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By: Bettina, Sarah and Megan. Trinity River Longest tributary of the Klamath River. 165 miles long. Located in northwestern California.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Bettina, Sarah and Megan. Trinity River Longest tributary of the Klamath River. 165 miles long. Located in northwestern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Bettina, Sarah and Megan

2 Trinity River Longest tributary of the Klamath River. 165 miles long. Located in northwestern California.

3 Landscaping Palm and pine trees to block the hot sun. Provide shade and keep house cool. Greenhouse because we have a lot of water. Grow our own food. Flowers, plants, fruits and veggies.

4 Hydroelectric Dam A dam is a man-made structure built across a river. Dams control river flow, navigation and regulate flooding. Hydroelectric power is produced as water passes through a dam into a river. More water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced.

5 Shipping container Easy to Use and construct. Affordable. Durable in hurricanes and tornado accidents, Cool in the summer warm in the winter. Save up to 80% on cooling and heat. Used for building the house; replaces wood.

6 Composter Used for fruits and vegetables so it can form into a soil compost. replaces a trash can. Excellent fertilizer for your lawn and garden as well as reducing the number of garbage bags you send to the landfill.

7 Barn Barrels This is supposed to help the environment, lower your water bill, and make your garden moist in dry times. Replaces hoses and water you use to water your plants or garden with. Saves water.

8 Active solar water heating Use the solar panels on their roof to heat the water in their house Lasts double the amount of time a normal water heater would. It has a bigger storage capacity. You still get hot water when the power is out. Replaces a water tank.


10 CFL Light bulbs Require less wattage to produce an equivalent amount of light. 75 percent less energy than incandescent light bulbs. Replaces natural and LED light bulbs. Unsuitable for places where you would turn on the light only briefly.

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