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Recombinant DNA What is the basis of recombinant DNA technology? How does one “clone” a gene? How are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) created? Illustration.

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2 Recombinant DNA What is the basis of recombinant DNA technology? How does one “clone” a gene? How are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) created? Illustration using CFTR gene

3 Molecular cloning of a gene using a vector plasmid

4 Methods for obtaining a gene of interest Restriction endonuclease cleavage of genomic DNA –Large fragments with introns, ready to ligate into vector Reverse transcription of mRNA to cDNA –No introns, have to add restriction endonuclease cleavage sites PCR –Genomic DNA –RT PCR of mRNA –Can incorporate restriction endonuclease cleavage sites into primers

5 Any DNA fragments cut with the same restriction enzyme can be spliced together Jane Wang, Science Creative Quarterly, DNA Ligase ATP ADP + Pi

6 Synthesis of cDNA using reverse transcriptase

7 Vectors for cloning and expression DNA spliced into plasmid DNA can be replicated in cells "Expression" vectors have regulatory DNA segments for cells to transcribe and translate inserted foreign DNA Expression vectors are specialized for their host organism

8 A plasmid for cloning & expression in E. coli Replication Cloning into plasmid Transcription Translation Selection Bensasson et al. 2004 Heredity 92:483

9 Get the construct into the cells of the host organism From Purves et al. Life the Science of Biology, 6 th ed.

10 Gene therapy with recombinant retrovirus Campbell & Reece, Biology, 7 th ed.

11 Issues with gene therapy How to get the engineered gene into the right target cells at high efficiency How to make the therapy last – stem cells? How to avoid adverse consequences (cancer) from random integration of transgene How avoid an immune response against the therapeutic gene or vector

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