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Kyriakos Baxevanidis European Commission, DG INFSO eInfrastructures (9-10 December 2003, Rome) Session 5: Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyriakos Baxevanidis European Commission, DG INFSO eInfrastructures (9-10 December 2003, Rome) Session 5: Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyriakos Baxevanidis European Commission, DG INFSO eInfrastructures (9-10 December 2003, Rome) Session 5: Organisation and Structure of the eInfrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG) Session 5: Organisation and Structure of the eInfrastructure Reflection Group (eIRG)

2  Mission  Current Terms of Reference  Roles, Interfaces  Technical Support Team and White-Paper  Resources  Three talks addressing key issues eIRG - key issues

3 Mission  Support the creation of a policy and administrative framework for the easy and cost effective shared use of ICT-resources in Europe (focusing on Grid-computing, data storage, and networking resources) across institutional and national domains (and stimulate international co-operation on these topics)

4 Current Terms of Reference  Monitor and advise on the policy harmonisation process; support establishment of a common policy and administrative framework  Members appointed by national research authorities of MS and AS  Assisted by a technical support team (White Papers, Questionnaires etc) Current ToR subject to discussion and modifications in tomorrow’s meeting

5 eIRG Technical Support Team Policy Recommendations Questionnaires Position Papers Best practices... Projects Propose resource sharing schemes Adopt best practices, recommendations... Institutions implementing resource sharing schemes... Funding authorities (work-programmes..) EU National Interface to other policy bodies ESFRI... Interface to other policy bodies ESFRI... Roles, Interfaces

6 Technical Support Team  Current members serve on a “free time” basis  Are involved in big on-going Grid initiatives  First task was the writing of a draft White Paper  A more permanent scheme (objectives, roles, resources…) in the future ?  Can be a strong tool for eIRG and Europe (registry of resources, Questionnaires etc)  Role and synthesis to be discussed tomorrow

7 White Paper  A first draft providing some examples and best practices on resource sharing policies (to stimulate discussions in Rome)  Future versions to be broader in scope and community base that they address  Reflect on the progress of the works of the eIRG  Next initiative in plan: a Questionnaire to identify resource sharing policies in MS/AS & needs - effort to create registry of resources that can be shared

8 Resources  Two meetings organized by the Greek & Italian EU Presidencies (in co-operation with the EC) - next Presidency (Ireland) is continuing the effort  Support team:  Current work on a “free time” basis  2 FTEs in EGEE to support the team, DEISA in the loop (both in negotiation)  Possible need for additional resources as objectives and roles are being elaborated  Scope for more EU (and National) funding as context and needs are developing

9 eIRG meeting on 10 December  Refine mission  Identify key areas where action can be taken  Discuss on its organization; role of support team  Define a plan for 2004 ...  Next meeting in Ireland on 16 April 2004

10 Three talks addressing key issues  An e-Infrastructure in Europe: a strategy and policy driven approach - Dany Vandromme (Renater, GÉANT, ESFRI-HPC)  The Future of European Research Networking and Grids - Dai Davies (DANTE)  Regulated access policies and infrastructure deployment - Davide Gallino (Italian Regulator for tlc and audiovisual)

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