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M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE Mohammad Sadeq Dousti Weekly Seminars on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE Mohammad Sadeq Dousti Weekly Seminars on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE Mohammad Sadeq Dousti Weekly Seminars on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE Based on Symmetric KES 1 / 45

2 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 2 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

3 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 3 / 45 Today’s talk is about…  Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocols. I I R R Long-Term Key (LTK) Session key ( sk ) Initiator Responder

4 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 4 / 45 Security expectations from AKE  Informally:  I and R must agree on the same session key.  No one, without the knowledge of LTK, should be able to participate in the protocol.  The session key must be “random looking.”  Other properties:  PFS, KCI resilience, UKS resilience, …

5 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 5 / 45 Security model  The so-called “security expectations” constitute a security definition.  Security definitions make sense within a security model, designating:  The model of computation  The model of communication  Attack model  …

6 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 6 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

7 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 7 / 45 Diffie–Hellman (DH) protocol  The earliest attempt at asymmetric crypto.  Notation:  G : a (multiplicative) group of prime order q.  g : a generator of G.  Consider the following tuples, where a, b, and c are picked randomly from ℤ q :  Type 1: ( g, g a, g b, g ab )  Type 2: ( g, g a, g b, g c )

8 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 8 / 45 Decisional Diffie–Hellman (DDH) problem  DDH problem: Distinguishing between Type 1 and Type 2 tuples.  DDH problem seems to be hard in some groups.  Let G be a group for which DDH is assumed to hold.

9 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 9 / 45 DH flows A A B B gaga gaga gbgb gbgb Pick a randomly from ℤ q. Pick b randomly from ℤ q. G, g sk = g ab

10 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 10 / 45 Authenticated DH (ADH-1)  DH is a key exchange (KE) protocol.  No authentication.  Prone to active attacks.  A and B can share some LTK K prior to DH flows.  Each flow of DH can be authenticated by K.

11 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 11 / 45 ADH-1 flows A A B B g a, auth K ( g a ) g b, auth K ( g b ) Pick a randomly from ℤ q. Pick b randomly from ℤ q. G, g, K sk = g ab

12 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 12 / 45 Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)  Also called “forward security.”  PFS: If LTK is revealed at time T, all session keys established prior to this time remain secure.  ADH-1 satisfies the PFS property. T time LTK is revealed session keys remain secure

13 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 13 / 45 ADH-1 deficiency  In ADH-1, neither party is assured that the other gets hold of sk.  Bad Solution:  B uses sk to authenticate 0 || g a || g b.  Add a 3 rd flow, where A uses sk to authenticate 1 || g a || g b.

14 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 14 / 45 Why bad?!  If sk is used to authenticate flows,  sk can be distinguished from random!  Solution:  Use a Key Derivation Function (KDF).  Extract two keys from g ab : Integrity key ( ik ), to authenticate flows. Session key ( sk ), to use for sessions.

15 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 15 / 45 ADH-2 flows A A B B g a, auth K ( g a ) g b, auth ik (0 || g a || g b ) G, g, K sk = KDF(0, g ab ) ik = KDF(1, g ab ) sk = KDF(0, g ab ) ik = KDF(1, g ab ) auth ik (1 || g a || g b )

16 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 16 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

17 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 17 / 45 Efficiency of DH  Best of our knowledge: All provably-secure PFS AKE’s are based on DH. DH is very slow.  How to get a fast AKE which satisfies PFS?  Key Evolving Schemes (KES): A cryptographic protocol whose LTK’s evolve over time.  Idea: R. Canetti, S. Halevi, J. Katz. A Forward- Secure Public-Key Encryption Scheme, J. Cryptology, 2007. Ironically, based on DH!

18 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 18 / 45 Example usage of KES

19 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 19 / 45 Milder form of PFS  Lifetime of the system is divided into many time stages. Each stage is τ seconds.  Mild PFS: If LTK is revealed in time stage T, all session keys established in time stages 0,…, T  1 remain secure. LTK is revealed session keys remain secure T time T 1T 1 T 1T 1 0 

20 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 20 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

21 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 21 / 45 Computation & complexity model  All parties (including adversary) is modeled as an interactive Turing machine (ITM).  Turing machine, equipped with communication tapes.  All parties (including adversary) is probabilistic polynomial time (PPT).

22 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 22 / 45 Adversarial model  Interaction of adversary and parties is modeled by a game between:  Adversary (), and  A hypothetical entity called the Challenger ().  has an interface (like API!), allowing to query it.  also has a TimeEvent() interface, which is called every τ seconds by a universal clock.

23 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 23 / 45 interface for  Register() : Introduce a new party into the system.  ShareLTK(x,y) : Share an LTK between the party x and party y.  Send(x,s,y,m) : Send message m to session s of party x, claiming this message comes from party y.  If session ( x, s ) does not exist, it will be created.  The result includes the response of ( x, s ).

24 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 24 / 45 interface for – Cont’d  ExposeSS(x,s) : Leaks the state of session ( x, s ) to (including sk ).  The session ( x, s ) is marked as “exposed.”  RevealLTK(x,y) : Reveals the LTK between party x and party y to.  Both parties are marked as “corrupt” for each other.

25 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 25 / 45 Algorithmic flavor  The interface of is algorithmically defined.  The algorithms can be incorporated into tools for automatic verification of security protocols.

26 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 26 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

27 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 27 / 45 Definition roadmap  We now have a security model.  Notice that the model says nothing about the AKE security.  It’s the role of the security definition!  To put forward the definition, we need two central notions:  Session partnership  Session freshness

28 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 28 / 45 Why we need those “central notions”?  obviously knows the sk of an exposed session.  If corrupts a party, he obviously knows the sk of any session established thereafter.  Similar results holds if exposes or corrupts the “partner” of a session/party.  We need to define “partner.”  We need to define “unfresh” sessions, which are obviously insecure.

29 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 29 / 45 Session partnership  Two sessions are called partners if: 1.Both sessions output the same non-empty session keys and session identifiers ( sid ). 2.Sessions have different roles (I and R). 3.Sessions recognize the other party as the partner. 4.No other session outputs the same sid.  Very hard to satisfy, can be relaxed.

30 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 30 / 45 Algorithmic approach…

31 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 31 / 45 Session freshness  A session is fresh if the following holds: 1.PFS: If the LTK is revealed, it is revealed in a time stage after the time stage when session key is established. 2.Session is not exposed. 3.If partner session exists, conditions 1 & 2 hold for it as well.

32 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 32 / 45 Security definition: Idea  picks a fresh session of its choice.  tosses a coin b :  Heads: returns the session key (ℓ bits).  Tails: returns a random ℓ-bit string.  continues querying interface.  announces its guess of b.  announces as the winner IFF its guess is correct, and the session is still fresh.

33 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 33 / 45 Endowing with new interface  Test(x,s) : Adversary specifies that ( x,s ) is the target session of choice.  If ( x,s ) is fresh, returns an ℓ-bit string.  Guess(b’) : Adversary announces its guess as b.  wins IFF b=b and ( x,s ) is still fresh,.

34 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 34 / 45 Security definition  Define the advantage of as “the probability of winning the game, minus ½.”  An AKE protocol is called secure if: For all c ∈ ℕ, any PPT adversary, and all sufficiently large n ∈ ℕ : The advantage of is less than n  c. For all c ∈ ℕ, any PPT adversary, and all sufficiently large n ∈ ℕ : The advantage of is less than n  c.

35 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 35 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

36 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 36 / 45 About FORSAKES  FORSAKES: Forward-Secure AKE based on KES  FORSAKES is described in the Random Oracle (RO) model.  Consider RO, denoted, as an ideal (totally random) hash function.  In FORSAKES case, RO only simplifies the proofs, and can be replaced by PRFs.

37 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 37 / 45 FORSAKES: The 10,000-foot view

38 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 38 / 45 Main properties of FORSAKES  Updating LTK: K new = ( K old ).  “I” uses a nonce n I as part of Msg 1.  “R” uses a nonce n R as part of Msg 2.  Session ID: sid = n I || n R.  Session key: sk = (0 || sid || K ).  Integrity key: ik = (1 || sid || K ).  Auth j = (Msg j || ik ) for j ∈ {2, 3}.

39 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 39 / 45 FORSAKES messages  Msg 1 = 1 || ID I || ID R || T || n I.  Msg 2 = 2 || ID R || ID I || T || n I || n R.  Msg 3 = 3 || ID I || ID R || T || n I || n R.  FORSAKES parties perform quite a few “syntactical” checks on incoming messages before responding to them.

40 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 40 / 45 Topics  Introduction  Diffie–Hellman & PFS  Key-Evolving Schemes (KES)  Our Security Model  Our AKE Definition  FORSAKES Protocol  Epilogue

41 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 41 / 45 FORSAKES is a secure AKE  We proved that according to the mentioned model/definition, FORSAKES is a secure AKE.  The full proof is 15 pages.  It gives a relationship between the advantage of any (even infinitely powerful ) and the number of queries it makes.  The advantage is negligible when the number of queries is sub-exponential.

42 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 42 / 45 FORSAKES in practice  Theoretically, RO should be replaced with PRFs.  In practice, simple hash functions would suffice.  In particular, we suggest HMAC.  Depending on the environment, the stage lifespan can be between tens of seconds to many days (less secure).

43 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 43 / 45 Future directions  Consider a model where the adversary can issue a Desync(x,y) query.  De-synchronize the LTK between two parties.  Protocol should provide a re-synchronization mechanism.  Consider another model, where LTK’s are one- time: Once used, they can never be used again.

44 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 44 / 45 References See the following paper and references therein:  M.S. Dousti and R. Jalili. FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol based on Symmetric Key-Evolving Schemes, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2015.

45 M.S. Dousti FORSAKES: A Forward-Secure AKE 45 / 45

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