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T ERM 3 P ORTFOLIO P RESENTATION My Learning Statements.

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Presentation on theme: "T ERM 3 P ORTFOLIO P RESENTATION My Learning Statements."— Presentation transcript:

1 T ERM 3 P ORTFOLIO P RESENTATION My Learning Statements

2 L EARNING S TATEMENT #1: I am learning about different technology tools that I can use in my instruction and for my students to use to represent their learning Jing, digital stories, class websites, wikis Learning styles (audio, oral, visual, kinesthetic) Student ownership, responsibility, and interest Piaget’s constructivism Program Capacities: Use, evaluate, and integrate existing and emerging technologies into my practice (Jing, wikis, website, etc.) Draw on educational theories, research, and philosophies to inform my use of technologies to support teaching and learning (constructivism) Access, evaluate, use, and participate in new media interactions in education (website, wikis, etc.)

3 L EARNING S TATEMENT #2 I am learning that communication with parents and students lead to greater student achievement and success Field study on class website using Sharepoint Networking and collaboration Program Capacities: Participate in and help develop learning communities to support my teaching practice (Sharepoint site) Engage in critical cycle of action-reflection to understand and develop my practice (student and parental feedback) Use, evaluate, and integrate existing and emerging technologies into my practice (website, on-line surveys) Access, evaluate, use, and participate in new media interactions in education (website, on-line surveys)

4 L EARNING S TATEMENT #3 I am learning that my struggle with digital literacy is connected to my feelings of confidence and competence as a teacher Afraid of failure and looking incompetent LTT ‘pushing’ me to explore new technologies (Sharepoint, Jing, on-line surveys, digital stories, wikis, etc.) Journal reflections Goals: collaboration, well-roundedness, independence Program Capacities: Participate in and help develop learning communities to support my teaching practice (Sharepoint site) Engage in critical cycle of action-reflection to understand and develop my practice (journal reflections) Use, evaluate, and integrate existing and emerging technologies into my practice (website, on-line surveys) Access, evaluate, use, and participate in new media interactions in education (wikis, website, on-line surveys)

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