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Plate Boundaries.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Boundaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Boundaries

2 The Plates of the earth The Earth’s crust is made up of plates.
The plates move in specific directions. The three directions that the plates move are labeled in relation to their boundaries.

3 Plates move toward each other.
Convergent Boundary Plates move toward each other.

4 Continental – continental convergent boundary
Mountains and volcanoes form

5 Oceanic – oceanic convergent boundary
Ocean trenches form and sometimes underwater volcanoes and islands

6 Oceanic – continental convergent boundary
Volcanoes form on the continental crust

7 Subduction zone This is when one tectonic plate sinks beneath the other. Usually the weaker plate sinks.

8 The plates move away from each other.
Divergent Boundary The plates move away from each other.

9 Oceanic – oceanic divergent boundary
Mid Ocean Ridge Forms

10 Continental – continental divergent boundary

11 The plates slip past each other.
Transform Boundary The plates slip past each other.

12 Continental – continental transform boundary
Earthquakes occur

13 Oceanic – oceanic transform boundary
Earthquakes and possible tsunamis

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