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WTSI Mouse Genetics Programme CASIMIR Meeting, July 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "WTSI Mouse Genetics Programme CASIMIR Meeting, July 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 WTSI Mouse Genetics Programme CASIMIR Meeting, July 2007

2 The WTSI Mouse Genetics Programme 5 year programme funded by the Wellcome Trust (starting Oct 2006) Starting at 250 KOs per year Targeted mutations in ES cells (from EUCOMM & KOMP) Phenotype driven screening programme –Where are the genes expressed and when? –What are the roles of the genes in normal development? –Do the genes play a part in disease? All phenotyping will be done on a single genetic background* All phenotyping data will be released to WWW after QC All biological resources will be available with minimal MTA + 4 Year EUMODIC contract - 40 alleles per year (starting Feb 2007)

3 WTSI Mouse Genetics Central Database Genes, Gene builds, existing alleles, external links Allele pipelines for EUCOMM & KOMP targeting @ WTSI and soon NORCOMM Havana annotation pipeline Automated vector design pipeline (Vivek Iyer) Allele descriptions ES Cells Microinjection pipeline @ WTSI Cryopreservation pipeline @ WTSI Mouse tracking Animal Welfare Sheets Home Office procedure reporting Mouse related protocols Phenotyping data capture Expression data capture Machine integration e.g. genotyping robot, haematology & clinical chemistry

4 In development or coming soon: Biomart and DAS servers –Making KOMP, EUCOMM & NORCOMM production live EuroPhenome integration SOPs –Automated protocol interface generation –Integration with mouse phenotyping Microinjection pipelines for all of EUCOMM Automated histology image capture (DMetrix DX40 platform) Data analysis and reporting

5 External hosting Live views to external webites

6 What’s needed One stop shop for mouse alleles –Existing lines –Production pipeline for KEN –Mouse production for KEN –Links to HTP phenotyping & expression data Subject for an FP7 coordinated action –Sanger –EBI –GSF –Jax

7 Thanks to: Mouse Informatics Group David Melvin Wei Li Arthur Evans Paul Weston David Gannon Bhuvan Sharma Mark Griffiths Christian Kipp John Ambrose David Richardson T87/EUCOMM Informatics Group Vivek Iyer MGWG Karen Steel Allan Bradley William Skarnes Gordon Dougan Seth Grant Pentao Liu David Tannahill David Adams Lorraine Everett Havana Group Jen Harrow Mark Thomas Alejandro Mujica Support from: The Wellcome Trust, EUMODIC, EUCOMM, KOMP


9 MGP Phenotyping Screen

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