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By: p 3. Words used to describe daily routines use reflexive verbs, which usually describes what a person does to or for himself/herself. The reflexive.

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1 By: p 3

2 Words used to describe daily routines use reflexive verbs, which usually describes what a person does to or for himself/herself. The reflexive verb “reflects” the action of the verb back to the subject. Reflexive verbs always use reflexive pronouns. Pierre se rase à sept heures. Subject Reflexive Verb

3 je me lavenous nous lavons tu te lavesvous vous lavez il/elle se laveils/elles se lavent Se laver (to wash oneself) Je me lave I wash (myself) je menous tu tevous il/elle seils/elles se Conjugations

4 se réveillerwake upse brosser les cheveux to brush hair se leverget upse coifferto style hair se brosser les dents brush one’s teeth se regarderto look at oneself se laver (les mains) wash one’s hands se déshabillerto get undressed se rasershavese coucherto go to bed se sécherto dry (off)s’endormirto go to sleep se maquillerto put on makeup prendre une douche take a shower s’habillerto get dressedfaire sa toiletteget ready

5 le savonsoaple réveilalarm clock un rasoirrazorun gant de toilette wash cloth la crème à raser shaving creamune serviette de bain towel une pantoufle (des pantoufles) slippersune brosse (à cheveux) hair brush une brosse à dents toothbrushle shampooingshampoo la dentifricetooth pasteun peignecomb le fil à dentsflossle maquillagemake up

6 JeJe me réveilleNousNous nous maquillons TuTu t’habilles (te)VousVous vous levez Il/Elle/OnOn se coiffeIls/EllesIls se regardent je menous tu tevous il/elle seils/elles se Conjugations Examples

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