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Meet the Editors SMA 2007 Marla B. Royne, Editor The University of Memphis Eric Haley, Associate Editor The University of Tennessee Susan Myers, Editorial.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Editors SMA 2007 Marla B. Royne, Editor The University of Memphis Eric Haley, Associate Editor The University of Tennessee Susan Myers, Editorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Editors SMA 2007 Marla B. Royne, Editor The University of Memphis Eric Haley, Associate Editor The University of Tennessee Susan Myers, Editorial Assistant The University of Memphis

2 What is the Journal of Advertising?  The Journal of Advertising is the premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its relationship to practice.  The Journal of Advertising is the premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its relationship to practice.  Its audience is primarily academicians  JA was founded by and is still owned by the American Academy of Advertising. It is overseen by the AAA’s publications committee

3 Content of the Journal  JA defines advertising broadly and includes articles from a variety of topic areas: Behaviorial responses to advertising (e.g. attitudes, affect).Behaviorial responses to advertising (e.g. attitudes, affect). Advertising management.Advertising management. Media advertising (e.g. television, print, radio).Media advertising (e.g. television, print, radio). Message characteristics (e.g. comparative, creative aspects)Message characteristics (e.g. comparative, creative aspects) Advertising research methodsAdvertising research methods Segmentations, Targeting, Positioning and their relationship to advertisingSegmentations, Targeting, Positioning and their relationship to advertising International researchInternational research

4 Publishing in JA  JA encourages the submission of scholarly research that advances both the depth and breadth of important advertising topics.  JA encourages the submission of research that utilizes a variety of methods involving both quantitative and qualitative techniques.

5 2007 Journal Data (As of 10/27/07)  New Manuscripts Received 127 (Does not include special issues)(Does not include special issues)  Completed Review 93  Average Time to Decision 77 days  Decisions Desk reject 8Desk reject 8 Reject55Reject55 Revisions Offered29Revisions Offered29 Conditional Acceptance 1Conditional Acceptance 1

6 2006 Acceptance Rate  Number of Articles Published – 40  Acceptance Rate – 40/206 = 19.4%

7 Special Issues  Special issues provide great strides in knowledge advancement on important topics in the field.  Past special issues include Economic Dimensions of Advertising Media Audiences (2006)Economic Dimensions of Advertising Media Audiences (2006) International Advertising (2005)International Advertising (2005) Advertising and Consumer Culture (2003)Advertising and Consumer Culture (2003) Advertising & New Media (2002)Advertising & New Media (2002)

8 Special Issues – In Process  Creativity in Advertising (Sasser and Koslow)  Regulation & Self Regulation (Taylor & Rotfeld) The primary criterion for assessing fit: does the paper provides new insight into theory and/or practice of advertising regulation or self-regulation and their impacts on business practices.The primary criterion for assessing fit: does the paper provides new insight into theory and/or practice of advertising regulation or self-regulation and their impacts on business practices. Deadline for Submissions – April 1, 2008Deadline for Submissions – April 1, 2008

9 Tips for Publishing in the Journal  Only submit manuscripts that are relevant to advertising; position the paper appropriately  Send your best work  Read the Journal carefully before submitting  Follow the instructions for authors at the website  Be careful about over-citing your own work

10 My Philosophy  Encourage revisions when a paper has potential  Serve as a mentor  Don’t offer “false hope”

11 Become a Reviewer  Although JA uses an editorial review board, we also use ad hoc reviewers  If you would like to become a review, please contact us with your areas of expertise so we can add you to our database.

12 For Further Information  For submission information, questions, or to submit a manuscript:  Marla B. Royne:  Eric Haley:  Susan Myers:

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