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Decimal Numbers Lesson 12 Power Up CPage 78. And.

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1 Decimal Numbers Lesson 12 Power Up CPage 78


3 And

4 Reading & Writing Decimal Numbers 9.53 Nine and fifty-three hundredths

5 Comparing Decimal Numbers ›Line up decimal point compare one digit at a time. ›0.32, 0.301, 0.43, 0.03 ›Order least to greatest ›0.03, 0.301, 0.32, 0.43

6 Convert Decimals to Fractions ›Whole number doesn’t change ›Write the digits after the decimal point as the numerator ›Write the place value of the last digit as the denominator ›Reduce

7 Convert Fractions to Decimals ›Whole number doesn’t change ›Divide the numerator by the denominator ›Write decimal point and zeroes ›Divide until there is no remainder

8 Convert Decimals to Percents

9 Convert Percents to Decimals

10 Comparing Fractions, Decimals, & Percents

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