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Expressas a decimal. Expressas a decimal. Convertto a decimal..

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Presentation on theme: "Expressas a decimal. Expressas a decimal. Convertto a decimal.."— Presentation transcript:



3 Expressas a decimal.

4 Expressas a decimal.


6 Convertto a decimal..

7 . Convertto a decimal.


9 Convert decimal to base 10 fraction; simplify



12 Express 0.375 as a percent Move decimal point 2 places to the right and add the % sign. Convert 2.867 to a percent

13 Convert decimals to percents Make sure there are at least two digits at the decimal points; add zero where needed (this does not change the value of the number).


15 Express 56.25 % as a decimal Move decimal point 2 places to the LEFT and remove the % sign.

16 Express the percents as decimals


18 Set up an “ out of 100 ” proportion Express as a percent. Check to see how you would convert the first denominator to 100. x 25 Convert numerator

19 Express as a percent. x 20

20 Convert fractions to percents. x 2 x 4 14 24 x 10 30

21 Or you can express fractions as percents by long division Convert decimal to percent by moving 2 decimal places to the right and adding % sign

22 Express fractions as percents by long division


24 Express percents to fractions by dividing by 100


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