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8 th Grade Math Chart Brisa Alcorta 2 nd Period. Pi The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Approximate value: 3.14.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Math Chart Brisa Alcorta 2 nd Period. Pi The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Approximate value: 3.14."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Math Chart Brisa Alcorta 2 nd Period

2 Pi The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Approximate value: 3.14

3 Perimeter Perimeter of a square=4s

4 Word Problem What is the perimeter of this square? 23 inches 92 inches

5 Diameter The distance from one side of the circle to the opposite. Twice the size of the radius.

6 Word Problem What is the diameter? Radius= 4.6 Diameter= 9.2

7 Area Area of a rectangle = L*H

8 Word Problem If one side of a rectangle is 4.5 and the other is 2.9, what is the area? 4.5*2.9=13.05

9 Circumference Formula: r ^ 2

10 Word Problem If the diameter of a circle is 8.9 then what is it’s circumference? 3.14 * 8.9 27.946

11 Perimeter The complete distance around a shape Perimeter of a Rectangle= 2l+2w

12 Word Problem If one side of a rectangle measures 7.9 inches, and the other measures 3.6 inches what is the perimeter of the square? 7.9(2)+3.6(2)=38.8

13 Radius The distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge. Also equals half of the diameter.

14 Word Problem If a circle has a Diameter of 83 cm. what is its Radius? 83/2=41.5 Radius=41.5

15 Area Area for a circle= r ^2

16 Area Area of a Trapezoid= ½(b1+b2)

17 Area Triangle=1/2bh

18 Word Problem What is the area of a triangle with a base that measures 5.6 and a height of 9.5?

19 Volume of a Cylinder V==Bh

20 Volume of a Pyramid V=1/3Bh

21 Volume of a Prism V=Bh

22 Volume Volume of a cone= 1/3 Bh

23 Volume Sphere= V= 4/3 r^3

24 Surface Area A measure of the number of square units needed to cover the faces or surfaces of a figure.

25 P P represents the perimeter of the base

26 Surface Area Prism(lateral) S=Ph

27 Word Problem If the perimeter of the base of a prism is 8.6 inches and the height is 4.6 what is the lateral surface area? 39.56 inches

28 Surface Area Prism(total) S=Ph+2B

29 Word Problem S=Ph+2B

30 Surface Area Pyramid (lateral) S= ½ Pl

31 Word Problem

32 Surface Area Pyramid (total) S= ½ Pl+B

33 Surface Area Cylinder- S=2(pi)rh

34 Word Problem Find the surface area of the cylinder S=2(pi)rh 2.5 inches 7.3 inches 114.61 inches

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