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Presentation to Business and Law Research Forum University of Newcastle 17 July 2015 Professor Marian Simms ARC Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Business and Law Research Forum University of Newcastle 17 July 2015 Professor Marian Simms ARC Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Business and Law Research Forum University of Newcastle 17 July 2015 Professor Marian Simms ARC Executive Director

2 (Treasury not included) 2014–15 Federal Budget (Approx. AU$415 billion) (Treasury omitted)

3 National Competitive Grants Programme Discovery ProgrammesLinkage Programmes Laureate Fellowships Future Fellowships DECRA Discovery Projects Centres of Excellence SRIs ITRP Linkage Projects Other Fellowships Area of box represents $$ awarded over the period 2009–2014. N.B. - Centres of Excellence, SRIs, not awarded in every year. - ITRP and DECRA only funding since 2012 LIEF Other Linkage

4 ARC NCGP funding by scheme 2006–2014

5 Australian Government support for science, research and innovation 2014–15 ($9.2 b)

6 Grants funding by institute (%) 1971–2014 ARC becomes a statutory agency

7 ARC funding by institute 2010–2014

8 NCGP and Peer Review: Panels Under larger schemes, such as Discovery Projects (DP) and the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), all five panels of the ARC College convene for selection meetings. In other schemes, such as Australian Laureate Fellowships and Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities schemes, a single interdisciplinary Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) may be utilised. SAC members may be ARC College members and/or other eminent researchers. For Linkage three or four inter-disciplinary panels may be utilised The five panels are: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (BSB), Engineering, Mathematics and Information Sciences (EMI), Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA), Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences (PCE), and Social Behavioural and Economic Sciences (SBE)

9 Research Opportunity The ARC is committed to ensuring all eligible researchers have fair access to competitive funding through the National Competitive Grants Programme. The ARC considers that Research Opportunity comprises two separate elements: –Career experiences (relative to opportunity) –Career interruptions The new ROPE Statement (released Feb 2014)

10 “…is defined as the demonstrable contribution that research makes to the economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life, beyond contributions to academia. For the purposes of the ARC Centres of Excellence scheme, provide a statement outlining the intended path to impact of the proposed research. The ARC website provides further information on Research Impact. It is particularly important to consider indicators from the Research Impact Pathway and to ensure that both “outcomes” and “benefits” are included in your statement, keeping in mind that the table shows examples only and is not comprehensive.” Source: ARC website > Policies and Strategies > Strategy > Research Impact Principles and Frameworks and Framework Research impact

11 Note—data on basis of FoR codes and those translated from RFCD for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines Proportion of proposals received in selected disciplines of SBE (commencement year 2002 to 2014)

12 Total success rate (all schemes, Start Year 2002 to 2014) and number of proposals received in NCGP panels

13 Note—data on basis of original RFCD and FoR codes for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines Total success rate all schemes, selected disciplines (Commencement year 2002 to 2014)

14 DP–Success and return rates

15 Histogram of Rank Linkage 2010–14

16 Histogram of Rank DECRA 2012–2015

17 Histogram of Rank DP12–15

18 Which scheme is more important? Selected disciplines Note—data on basis of FoR codes and those translated from RFCD for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines

19 Note—data on basis of original RFCD and FoR codes for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines Success rate in selected disciplines and schemes (commencement year 2002 to 2014)

20 Total success rate in Discovery Projects and Linkage Projects (commencement year 2002 to 2014) Note—data on basis of original RFCD and FoR codes for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines

21 Discovery Projects (DP): Number of proposals received, selected disciplines, commencement year 2002 to 2015 Note—data on basis of RFCD and FoR codes for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines. LINGUISTICS was under Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences in RFCD, but falls in Language, Communication and Culture in FoR08.

22 Success rate (%) in DP, selected disciplines, commencement year 2002–2015


24 FoR Network mapping… FOR 15: Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services

25 FoR Network mapping… All disciplines

26 Number of proposals received and success rate (%), comparison between LP and DP in Commerce and Economics Note—data on basis of FoR codes and those translated from RFCD for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines.

27 ARC funding and number of projects funded in DP02 to DP15 and LP02 to LP14, for comparison Note—data on basis of FoR codes and those translated from RFCD for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines

28 Average number of named researchers (including Partner Investigators) on Discovery Projects proposals submitted

29 Average number of named researchers (incl. Partner investigators I) on funded Discovery Projects

30 Average Proportion of Prof and A/Prof Type of Researchers (including Partner Investigators) on Discovery Projects Proposals

31 Average Proportion of Prof and A/Prof Type of Researchers (including Partner Investigators) on funded Discovery Projects

32 Discovery Projects (DP): Number of proposals received, selected disciplines, commencement year 2002 to 2015 Note—data on basis of RFCD and FoR codes for both two-digit and 4-digit disciplines

33 Proportion of Prof and A/Prof type of researchers (incl. PI) on FUNDED Discovery Projects each year (not incl. DECRA)

34 Average number of researchers (including Partner Investigators) on each Discovery Projects proposal

35 Average number of named researchers (including Partner Investigators) on each funded Discovery Project

36 Total number of ARC projects, Partner Orgs and ARC funding for Linkage Projects (2002–2014)

37 Average cash and in kind contribution from Partner Organisations on each project in Linkage Projects

38 Average number of Partner Organisations on each Linkage Project

39 Thank You

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