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a)You will have to do a homework this week b)A newly born baby will be a girl c)You will become a professional sportsman d)You will go to University e)A.

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Presentation on theme: "a)You will have to do a homework this week b)A newly born baby will be a girl c)You will become a professional sportsman d)You will go to University e)A."— Presentation transcript:


2 a)You will have to do a homework this week b)A newly born baby will be a girl c)You will become a professional sportsman d)You will go to University e)A coin thrown in the air will land on its side f)You will win the lottery jackpot g)You will get married Certain Even chance Unlikely Likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:

3 a)The sun will rise tomorrow b)If you flip a “normal” coin it will land on heads c)Your teacher will be dressed as a clown next lesson d)You will learn to drive by the time you are 20 e)3 times 4 will equal 20 one day f)You will own an airline by the time you are 30 g)You will do some homework this evening Certain Even chance Very unlikely Very likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:

4 a)You will not be able to walk on the ceiling b)If I pick at random a number between 1 and 10 it will be even c)You will be expelled from this school d)You will have more education after Year 11 e)If you roll a “normal” dice it will show 7 f)You will live to be 100 g)You will catch a cold in the next 6 months Certain Even chance Very unlikely Very likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:


6 a)You will have to do a homework this week b)A newly born baby will be a girl c)You will become a professional sportsman d)You will go to University e)A coin thrown in the air will land on its side f)You will win the lottery jackpot g)You will get married Certain Even chance Unlikely Likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:

7 a)The sun will rise tomorrow b)If you flip a “normal” coin it will land on heads c)Your teacher will be dressed as a clown next lesson d)You will learn to drive by the time you are 20 e)3 times 4 will equal 20 one day f)You will own an airline by the time you are 30 g)You will do some homework this evening Certain Even chance Very unlikely Very likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:

8 a)You will not be able to walk on the ceiling b)If I pick at random a number between 1 and 10 it will be even c)You will be expelled from this school d)You will have more education after Year 11 e)If you roll a “normal” dice it will show 7 f)You will live to be 100 g)You will catch a cold in the next 6 months Certain Even chance Very unlikely Very likely Impossible Very unlikely Very likely Use the best word which describes the probability of the following:


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