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Major Animal Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Animal Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Animal Phyla Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata

2 Phylum Porifera sponges
Have no definite shape – asymmetrical; No tissues or organs Colony of specialized cells Immobile Good powers of regeneration Skeleton of spongin and spicules

3 CLASSES OF SPONGES Class Calcarea – has calcium carbonate spicules
Class Hexactinellida – glass sponges with spicules of silica Class Demospongiae – no spicules, only spongin





8 Barrel sponge

9 Vase sponge

10 Tube sponge

11 Venus Flower Basket

12 Phylum Cnidaria stinging-celled animals
Jellyfishes, corals, anemones Radial symmetry Two tissue layers with inner mesoglea Primitive nerve net but no brain 2-way digestive tract Stinging cells for capturing food.

13 CLASSES OF CNIDARIANS Class Hydrozoa – Hydra, Portuguese-Man-of-War, Obelia; mostly polyp or hydroid stage Class Scyphozoa – true jellyfishes; mostly medusa stage Class Anthozoa – corals, anemones Class Cubozoa – box jellies



16 Moon jelly


18 Sea anemone

19 Aggregating anemones

20 Anemone

21 Coral polyps

22 Coral reef


24 Phylum Platyhelminthes flatworms
First animals to exhibit bilateral symmetry Have primitive brain 3 tissue layers Includes free-living flatworms and parasitic flatworms (tapeworms, flukes)

25 CLASSES OF FLATWORMS Class Turbellaria – free-living flatworms
Class Cestoda – tapeworms Class Trematoda - flukes


27 Flatworm

28 Flatworm

29 Flatworm

30 Tapeworm head (scolex)

31 Liver fluke

32 Phylum Annelida segmented worms
Earthworms, sandworms, leeches One-way digestive system Have well-developed digestive and circulatory systems

33 CLASSES OF ANNELIDS Class Oligochaeta – earthworms, bloodworms; oligo- means “few” and chaeta means a “bristle” or stout hair Class Polychaeta – many bristles and parapodia (fleshly lobes to “walk” with Class Hirudinea – leeches (most are NOT bloodsuckers)

34 Christmas tree worm

35 Feather-duster worm

36 Fireworm

37 Nereis – a polychaete

38 Oligochaete

39 Leech

40 Phylum Mollusca- soft bodied animals
includes snails, slugs, nudibranchs, chitons, limpets, clams, oysters, squid, octopus, nautilus, etc. Either have no shell, one shell, or two shells Many have hard mouth parts (radula in gastropods, beak in cephalopods).

41 CLASSES OF MOLLUSCS Class Gastropoda – snails, slugs, conchs, nudibranchs; have either no shell or one shell; name means “stomach foot” Class Bivalvia – clams, oysters, mussels; have two shells that hinge together Class Polyplacophora – chitons; snail-like with 8 embedded plates on its back Class Cephalopoda – squid, octopus, nautilus, cuttlefish; name means “head foot”; well-developed nervous system

42 Nudibranch

43 Nudibranch

44 Nudibranch

45 Chiton

46 Chiton

47 Reef Squid

48 Cuttlefish

49 Blue-ring octopus

50 Chambered nautilus

51 Triton shell

52 Oyster on half-shell (needs Tabasco)

53 Scallop

54 Phylum Arthropoda – joint-legged animals
includes insects, crustaceans, centipedes, millipedes, and arachnids exoskeleton made of chitin must shed shell to grow

55 CLASSES OF ARTHROPODS Class Crustacea – shrimps, lobsters, crabs, crawfishes Class Amphipoda – small; called scuds Class Isopoda – sea lice; some are parasitic Class Stomatopoda – mantis shrimps Class Pycnogonida – sea spiders Class Merostomata – horseshoe crabs Class Cirripedia - barnacles

56 Bulldozer larva - Crustacea

57 Bulldozer

58 Cleaner shrimp Crustacea

59 Spider crab Crustacea

60 Crab zoea crustacea

61 Crab megalops

62 Stone crab

63 Hermit crab - crustacea

64 Amphipoda

65 Giant Isopod

66 Parasitic isopod

67 Ligia exotica - isopod

68 Mantis shrimp - Stomatopoda

69 Horseshoe crab Merostomata

70 Sea spider- Pycnogonida

71 Barnacles - Cirripedia

72 Phylum Echinodermata – spiney-skinned animals
includes sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, and crinoids reverted back to radial symmetry (radial in adults / bilateral in larvae) tube feet and water vascular system Most exhibit pentamerism

Clues from embryology – study of the early development of animals Protostomes versus Deuterostomes Protostome – blastopore forms the mouth in all animals except echinoderms and chordates Deuterostomes – blastopore forms the anus in echinoderms and chordates


Class Asteroidea – sea stars Class Ophiuroidea – brittle stars, serpent stars Class Echinoidea – sea urchins, sand dollars Class Holothuroidea – sea cucumbers Class Crinoidea – sea lilies, feather stars

76 Sea star - Asteroidea

77 Bat star - Asteroidea

78 Pycnopodia - Asteroidea

79 Brittle star - Ophiuroidea

80 Sea urchin - Echinoidea

81 Purple urchins Echinoidea

82 Sand dollar - Echinoidea

83 Sea cucumber Holothuroidea

84 Feather star - Crinoidea

85 Phylum Chordata Includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals Chordate characteristics: Dorsal hollow nerve tube Notochord Pharyngeal gill slits Post anal tail

The Protochordates - invertebrate chordates Subphylum Urochordata – sea squirts, salps, and ascidians Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets True Chordates: Subphylum Vertebrata


88 Tunicate - Urochordata

89 Tunicate - Urochordata

90 Salp- Urochordata


92 SUBPHYLUM VERTEBRATA Class Agnatha – jawless fishes; lampreys and hagfishes Class Chondrichthys – cartilaginous fishes; sharks, rays, skates, chimeras Class Osteichthys – boney fishes Class Amphibia – frogs, salamanders Class Reptila – turtles, snakes, lizards, and crocodilians Class Aves – birds Class Mammalia - mammals

93 VERTEBRATE BODY PLAN Recapitulation Theory – Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny The embryological and developmental changes an organism goes through restates its evolutionary history Evolution cannot go back and change history…it can only modify what is pre-existing


95 Sea lamprey - Agnatha

96 Hagfish - Agnatha

97 Great white shark - Chondrichthys

98 Tiger shark - Chondrichthys

99 Manta ray - Chondrichthys

100 Stingray - Chondrichthys

101 Ratfish (Chimera)- Chondrichthys

102 Electric ray - Chondrichthys

103 Leafy sea dragon - Osteichthys

104 Sargassum fish - Osteichthys

105 Deep sea angler fish - Osteichthys

106 Clown anemone fish - Osteichthys

107 Bull dolphin - Osteichthys

108 Bullfrog - Amphibia

109 Green sea turtle Reptila

110 American alligator - Reptila

111 Osprey - Aves

112 Great blue heron - Aves

113 Humpback whales - Mammalia

114 Sea lion Mammalia

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