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Welcome! User Conference 2011 Presenter: Jeff Weaver.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! User Conference 2011 Presenter: Jeff Weaver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! User Conference 2011 Presenter: Jeff Weaver

2 Major Topics To Be Covered In This Presentation Advanced Team Sporting Good Functions Sales Order Features Hold for PO# Bill Complete Embellishments Line Item Routing Player Paks User Setup Web Ordering Order Processing on Celerant Team Sports


4 Hold For PO# Able to default based off the Customer Account Tab > Require PO# on All Purchases Affects of HFPO Invoice Printout – Message “ Holding for P.O.” Statement – Does not print on Customer’s Open Item Statement until the PO# is assigned A/R Aged Trial Balance – Will Print, but does not age until a PO# is Assigned Able to Search for Sales Orders and Invoices setup as HFPO Applying a PO# and Changing Invoice Date Team Sports

5 Insert Screenshots, etc.









14 Team Sports

15 Bill Complete Able to default based off the Customer Account Tab > Invoice Only When is Complete Affects of Bill Complete Partial Shipment – Does Not Print Invoices Completed Shipment – Only One Invoice Will Print Statement – Does not print on Customer’s Open Item Statement until all the Merchandise is Shipped A/R Aged Trial Balance – Will Print, but does not age until completely shipped Invoice Date is the date of the last shipment that completes the order Team Sports

16 Insert Screenshots, etc.




20 Team Sports

21 Embellishments Inventory Setup Blank Item – Must be created and assigned the appropriate Custom Group Example: T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, etc. Service Item – Non-Inventoried Item must be created in order to assign to the Custom Elements of Embellishments Example: One Color Screen, Two Color Screen, etc. Team Sports

22 Insert Screenshots, etc.


24 Embellishments Embellishment Setup Custom Work – Group of available items to select that are linked to blank items (Screening, Embroidery, etc.) Custom Detail – Available entry options linked to the service item (Color Selection, Location, Comments) Custom Element – Non-Inventoried service item linked to Custom Work and assigned to Custom Details Custom Group – Available Custom Elements grouped together to assign to blank items (Shirt may offer screening and embroidery) Team Sports

25 Insert Screenshots, etc.

26 Embellishments Sales Order Entry – POS > Sales Orders Create a Sales Order Enter the Blank Item on the Sales Order Select the “Embellishments” button on the right Select the Custom Work that is being requested Select the Item that will be added to the sales order Enter the required fields available and/or any comments Team Sports

27 Insert Screenshots, etc.





32 Team Sports

33 Line Item Routing Pre-Set User Defined Operations Misc. Categories > Sales Orders > Routing Operations Select the desired item on the Sales Order and select “Routing” button on the right - Lists current Routing Entries Add Routing Entry Operation - Selection Location and User ID – Open Text Fields Date In/Out – Selection Qty In/Out – User Entry Team Sports

34 Insert Screenshots, etc.





39 Team Sports

40 Player Pak Setup Create a Customer for the Organization being offered the Player Pak (School, League, etc.) Enter a Club ID which will be issued to the Team Members ordering merchandise Define a Pricing Code with the available Items the Team Members will be able to purchase on the Player Pak Assign the Pricing Code to the Organization Customer (Parent Customer) Team Sports

41 Insert Screenshots, etc.





46 Player Pak Web Ordering The Team Member will log onto the Player Pak Website with the Club ID assigned to the Organization Customer Only those Items assigned to the Price Code that is linked to the Organization Customer will appear Team Members will create an account, which will create the customer as a Child Customer to the Organization for ease of processing Team Members will enter their payment method relieving a coach/booster from collecting payments Team Sports

47 Insert Screenshots, etc.





52 Player Pak Order Processing on Celerant Player Pak Orders will be processed through Special Orders, NOT Sales Orders Able to Make PO’s from Customer Orders for Special Orders Able to Search and Process orders using the Organization Customer (Parent Customer) Sales History will be recorded under the Team Member, but associated with the Organization Customer as well (Report Designer) Team Sports

53 Insert Screenshots, etc.



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