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컴퓨터 과학부 김명재.  Introduction  Data Preprocessing  Model Selection  Experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "컴퓨터 과학부 김명재.  Introduction  Data Preprocessing  Model Selection  Experiments."— Presentation transcript:

1 컴퓨터 과학부 김명재

2  Introduction  Data Preprocessing  Model Selection  Experiments

3  Support Vector Machine

4  SVM (Support vector machine) ◦ Training set of instance-label pairs ◦ where ◦ Objective function  subject to

5  Dual space form ◦ Objective function  maximize  subject to

6  Nonlinear SVM ◦ Kernel method  Training vectors  Mapped into a higher dimensional space  Maybe infinite  Mapping function  Objective function

7 ◦ Kernel function  Linear  Polynomial  Radial basis function  Sigmoid  are kernel parameter

8  Example ◦ Data url  Application#training data #testing data #features#classes Astroparticle3, 0894,00042 Bioinfomatics3910203 Vehicle1,24341212

9  Proposed Procedure ◦ Transform data to format of an SVM package ◦ Conduct simple scaling on the data ◦ Consider the RBF kernel ◦ Use cross-validation to find the best parameter and ◦ Use the best parameter and to train the whole training set ◦ Test

10  Categorical Feature ◦ Example  Three-category such as {red, green, blue}  can be represented as (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), and (1, 0, 0)  Scaling ◦ Scaling before applying SVM is very important. ◦ Linearly scaling each attribute to the range [-1, +1] or [0, 1].

11  RBF kernel ◦ RBF kernel is a reasonable first choice ◦ Nonlinearly maps samples into a higher dimensional space ◦ The number of hyperparameters which influences the complexity of model selection. ◦ Fewer numerical difficulties

12  Cross-validation

13 ◦ Find the good ◦ Avoid the overfitting problem ◦ v-fold cross-validation  Divide the training set into v subsets of equal size  Sequentially, on subset is tested using the classifier trained on the remaining v-1 subsets.

14  Grid-search ◦ Various pairs of ◦ Find a good parameter  for example

15  Grid-search


17  Astroparticle Physics ◦ original accuracy  66.925 % ◦ after scaling  96.15 % ◦ after grid-search  96.875 % (3875/4000)

18  Bioinformatics ◦ original cross validation accuracy  56.5217 % ◦ after scaling cross validation accuracy  78.5166 % ◦ after grid-search  85.1662 %

19  Vehicle ◦ original accuracy  2.433902 % ◦ after scaling  12.1951 % ◦ after grid-searching  87.8049 % (36/41)

20  libSVM ◦  A Training Algorithm for optimal Margin classifiers ◦ Bernhard E. Boser, Isabelle M. Guyon, Vladimir N. Vapnik  수업교재

21 end of pages

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