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June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Strategy to reduce uncertainty on a  to < 0.25 ppm David Hertzog University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign n Present data.

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Presentation on theme: "June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Strategy to reduce uncertainty on a  to < 0.25 ppm David Hertzog University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign n Present data."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Strategy to reduce uncertainty on a  to < 0.25 ppm David Hertzog University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign n Present data rates n How to achieve higher rates n Statistical and systematic targets n Timescales and Support 1 ppm contours

2 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting How to achieve a factor of > 2 reduction in world-average a  uncertainty [ ppm] Final uncertainty from E8210.54 2001 systematic from  a 0.21 2001 systematic from  p 0.17 Target statistical uncertainty 0.20 Target systematic from  a 0.10 Target systematic from  p 0.10 Target E969 overall uncertainty 0.25 Final BNL Goal(E821 + E969)0.22 Implications Data increase necessary compared to 2001  - run x  12 Reduction of systematic uncertainties by factor of 2 More muons are necessary Q (integrated) method probable main mode Goal

3 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting My rate calculation – standard conditions 1. 34 B counts; A = 0.4 → 0.2 ppm statistical (my sim/fit) 2. AGS Intensity = 50 Tp (avg) 3. AGS Rep rate = 2.7 s 4. AGS fill structure = 12; 5. 10,000  + /fill/50 Tp 6. Acceptance E  > 1.8 GeV = 0.12 ItemValue Counts needed3.4 E10 Correct for T0 (30  s) 5.4 E10 Correct for acceptance4.5E11 Fills @ 10k/fill4.5E7 Hours required (1600/h)2812 h Run-time “uptime” = 0.74000 h Weeks @ 100 h/week40 weeks Setup3-4 weeks Total44 weeks Reduce by More Muon Factor

4 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Conservative changes yield factor of 2.6 ItemCommentFactor Replace traceback with calorimeter Vacuum chamber change (  $50 k) 24 / 23 = 1.04 Use positive muons  + cross section is higher1.2 Add 4 th kicker @ 270º (see plot below) Increased stored muon fraction Fabrication and tracking studies are necessary (  $250 k) ????? Open up inflector ends (design report) Task looks reasonable but work must begin ASAP (  $750 k ) 1.75 Total2.2 + ?? Present: CLOSED End Proposed: OPEN End

5 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting BNL Storage Ring incoming muons Quads KICK 0 500 ns 100 kV 4 th Kicker 3 Kickers Present Inflector Proposed Inflector

6 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Next big idea: Double quads in FODO section Hugh & Paul n This gives a reliable factor of 4 more muons n Even more quads under consideration now n Questions of momentum acceptance need to be addressed New Beamline Transport

7 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Next REALLY big idea: Use backward pion decays Peter (Kammel) & Paul n Gain: Another factor of 2 n NO FLASH (no pions, no protons into ring) n Double checking kinematics n Some significant changes to upstream beamline 5.22 GeV  GeV  5.22 GeV   GeV  The “Quad” section This needs work to go to 5.2 GeV

8 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Summary of possibilities that will be considered Conservative = 2 Quad double=2 Backward Decay=4 Net=16 (!)  all of this can’t be right Basic conclusion: We can find a factor of at least 5 among this set of topics Basic reality: Some of them won’t work out

9 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Maintenance and conventional upgrade tasks should begin soon on conventional systems e+e+ TIME Counts New detectors and hodoscopes? New WFDsNew DAQ Plan B refrigerator a must Kicker #1 repair Quad maintenance Ring de-rusting Probe replacements Trolley external calibration

10 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Systematic Error Evolution n Field improvements will involve special trolley external calibrations, temperature stability of room, replacement of many fixed probes n Precession improvements will involve new scraping scheme, lower thresholds, more complete digitization periods, better energy calibration Systematic uncertainty (ppm)1998199920002001200X Goal Magnetic field –  p Anomalous precession –  a 0.80.3 0.210.10

11 June 17, 2004 / Collab Meeting Running hours, schedule and costs Time required for  - running to 0.66 ppm (statistical) u  1000 h (+ setup) = 1250 h n Time required to achieve 0.20 ppm with factor of 5 increase in data rate u  2200 h + setup = 2500 h (25 w) n Ready 2 years after funding for shot on demand beam tuning and 2 weeks physics commissioning run n Following year, take 20+ weeks (time depends on factors) ActivityYear Proposal / PAC2004 Obtain $$ / start R&D2005 R&D and Construction2006 Construction Commissioning 2007 Full run2008

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