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Lesson TWO: "I really can't decide.". How did Bill Gates make his decision to leave Harvard University? Was it a good decision? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson TWO: "I really can't decide.". How did Bill Gates make his decision to leave Harvard University? Was it a good decision? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson TWO: "I really can't decide."

2 How did Bill Gates make his decision to leave Harvard University? Was it a good decision? Why?

3 Work in groups of three.Use some of the expressions listed above discuss what you, as a group regard as important considerations when a young person is making each of the following decisions. Make a note of the three most important factors your group decides on.

4 Which university to apply to study in?

5 Whether to get married or not ?

6 Being a successful student.

7 Successful student being persistance study hard good education thinking deeply good habits interest system atmosphere

8 Section A Aspects of life mentioned

9 The family---support and love Happiness---covers all others Friendship Being a good person Health (diet) (Being alive!) Money Education Aspects of life mentioned

10 Describing relationships among different points of an argument. (paragraph1,line2) *Nothing can compare to… (paragraph2,line3) *Above all else,… (paragraph4,line4) *All contribute to… (paragraph5,line1) *Nothing can be as important as… (paragraph5,line2) *Everything (in life) contributes to… (paragraph6,line1) *Has a greater or lesser influence on… (paragraph6,line2) *Each aspect affects all the other aspects… (paragraph7,line2) *X is equally important … (paragraph8,line3) *X, which affects your Y, which in turn affects your Z. (paragraph8,line4) *It’s a chain reaction. (paragraph8,line4) *One thing leads to another,which leads to another and so on. (paragraph10,line4) *That’s another important aspect of…

11 Graphic outline of the relationships among various aspects of life happiness health Family support education being a good person money friendship

12 A. As a college student, which factors do you need to think about in job-hunting? B. Whatever we do, why do you think the choice of the first step is the most important? D. How do you usually make a decision, by following other people’s advice or your own thinking? What kind of personalities do you have?

13 Quan Yanrong Zhou Yamin Xu Lu Student teachers: Mo Xuejiao Quan Yangrong

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