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ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Presentation by: State Project Management Unit Department Women & Child Development/Social.

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Presentation on theme: "ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Presentation by: State Project Management Unit Department Women & Child Development/Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Presentation by: State Project Management Unit Department Women & Child Development/Social Welfare Government of ……. Visit of the World Bank Implementation Support Mission (ISM) State:………. Date:

2 2 Summary of Allocations [Rs. Lakh] Project ComponentAllocation as per Admn. Approval & Guidelines (10 Jan 2013) [Yr 1+2] Estimated Allocation in Annual Action Plan (AAP) 2014-15 [pre-revised] Component 1: Institutional and Systems Strengthening in ICDS Component 2: Community mobilization and BCC Component 3: Piloting Convergent Nutrition Actions Component 4: Project Management and Monitoring & Evaluation

3 3 Status of Actions as agreed at the last Mission (January 2014) Actions (with completion dates) (Ref. Section 13, Aide Memoire) Status as on date (for specific details, refer to subsequent slides)

4 4 Status of Key Actions Sl. No. ActionsStatus as on date/ Timeline for completion 1Establishment of SPMU 2Notification for State Project Director 3Deputation of JPC (s) 4Approval of competent authority for Consultants positions in SPMU and at district/block level (as per GoI's approval dated 2.9.13) 5Issuance of necessary instructions (norms) to Districts/Blocks about ISSNIP 6Constitution of any committee (EPSC/EPC) for approval of project annual plans and/or project staffing, procurement etc

5 5 Status of Procurement Plan Sl. No. ActionsStatus as on date/ Timeline for completion 1Update (goods/non-consulting) on Procurement Plan as approved by GOI/WB in Sept-2013 (in a separate sheet - hyperlinked) 2Expected expenditure on procurement of goods during April-Sept 2014 Rs. Lakh 3Expected expenditure on procurement of goods during Oct-Dec 2014 Rs. Lakh 4Hiring of Consultants - separately for SPMU, district and blocks [indicate dates of advt., short-listing, interviews and final selection] 5Revision of Procurement Plan including all requirements (especially consultancy services) up to 31 Dec-15 (Ref. 2 May 2014 review meeting minutes) 6Assessment of needs/estimating budgets for additional items (goods) as per approval and comments on AAP by MWCD

6 6 Financial Management and Progress Sl. No. ActionsAmount (Rs. Lakh) Remarks (If any) 1Estimated requirement of funds in AAP 2014-15 (pre-revised) 2Allocations in State budget 2014-15 (with 10% State Share) 3Funds received from GoI till 30 June 14 (cumulative) 4Expenditures incurred till 31 March 2014 5IUFRs submitted to CPMU 6Unspent balances as on 31 March 14 revalidated by GoI 7Funds received by SPMU from State Govt in 2014-15 8Funds transferred to districts (no. of districts) if any, till date 9Expenditures incurred during April-June 2014 10Pending bills (April-June 2014), if any 11IUFRs for submission to CPMU for expenditures in April-June 2014 12Expected expenditures during July-Sept 2014 13Expected expenditures during Oct-Dec 2014 14Approval of Finance for giving advances to the districts as per FM Manual (Ref. Minutes of 2 May-14 meeting in CPMU) Give status

7 7 Implementation Progress* (by Component/Sub-Component/Activity) * As per Admn. Approval & Guidelines and Approval of AAP 2013-14

8 8 Component 1: Institutional & Systems Strengthening in ICDS Sub-Component/ActivityStatus as on date Component 1A: Review and refinement of policies/guidelines/procedures in ICDS Activity-1 Activity-2, etc Component 1B: Strengthening and expanding ICDS monitoring systems Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

9 9 Component 1: Continued Sub-Component/ActivityStatus as on date Component 1C: Strengthening Training and Capacity Building Activity-1 Activity-2, etc Component 1D: Strengthening convergence with NRHM Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

10 10 Component 1: Continued Sub-Component/ActivityStatus as on date Component 1E: Institutional support for innovations and pilots Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

11 11 Component 2: Community Mobilization & BCC Sub-Component/ActivityStatus as on date 2A: Activities to enhance community engagement Activity-1 Activity-2, etc 2B: Behaviour Change Communication Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

12 12 Component 3: Piloting Convergent Nutrition Actions ActivityStatus as on date Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

13 13 Component 4: Project Management and M & E ActivityStatus as on date 4A: Project Management Activity-1 Activity-2, etc 4B: Monitoring & Evaluation Activity-1 Activity-2, etc

14 14 Plan for next 3-6 months (List of priority activities under 4 components) ActivityTimeline for initiation Expected date of completion (for ongoing, write ‘ongoing’)

15 15 Thanks

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