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Achieving food security for one million sub-Saharan African poor through push–pull innovation by 2020 by Zeyaur R. Khan, Charles A. O. Midega, Jimmy O.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving food security for one million sub-Saharan African poor through push–pull innovation by 2020 by Zeyaur R. Khan, Charles A. O. Midega, Jimmy O."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving food security for one million sub-Saharan African poor through push–pull innovation by 2020 by Zeyaur R. Khan, Charles A. O. Midega, Jimmy O. Pittchar, Alice W. Murage, Michael A. Birkett, Toby J. A. Bruce, and John A. Pickett Philosophical Transactions B Volume 369(1639):20120284 April 5, 2014 ©2014 by The Royal Society

2 How the push–pull system works: stemborer moths are repelled by intercrop volatiles while attracted to trap crop volatiles. Zeyaur R. Khan et al. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014;369:20120284 ©2014 by The Royal Society

3 Push–pull technology adoption has significantly increased because of its multiple benefits. Zeyaur R. Khan et al. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014;369:20120284 ©2014 by The Royal Society

4 Mean (±s.e.) % stemborer-damaged plants, emerged S. hermonthica per 50 maize plants in each plot and grain yields (t ha−1) of sorghum and maize planted within a climate-adapted push–pull plot or a sole stand in Bondo and Siaya districts of western Kenya. Zeyaur R. Khan et al. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014;369:20120284 ©2014 by The Royal Society

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