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What I believe and why I got involved in Open Education Differentiating instruction is essential to improving education. Textbooks are not a good tool.

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Presentation on theme: "What I believe and why I got involved in Open Education Differentiating instruction is essential to improving education. Textbooks are not a good tool."— Presentation transcript:


2 What I believe and why I got involved in Open Education Differentiating instruction is essential to improving education. Textbooks are not a good tool for this. Technology coupled with high quality content is. Sharing is good. Everyone deserves a free, high quality education. The current educational bureaucracy is not likely to embrace OER projects.

3 Open Educational Resources (OER) are: Digital Free and open Tools, content, and implementation resources For teachers, students, and lifelong learners

4 Mass collaboration has resulted in the most widely-used web server software the most popular encyclopedia sequencing of the human genome What could it do for education?

5 Traditional copyright - all rights reserved Public domain - unrestricted use Copyright with open licenses - some rights reserved

6 Attribution (BY) ▪ Non-commercial (NC) ▪ No derivatives (ND) ▪ Copyleft - Share-Alike (SA)‏ Recommended for education: CC BY or CC SA

7 Tools Operating systems (= more affordable hardware)‏  Ubuntu  Xandros (eee PC)‏ Wikis, blogs, and course management  MediaWiki MediaWiki  Wikispaces Wikispaces  WordPress (.com‏  Moodle Moodle

8 Tools (cont.)‏ Productivity tools  Open Office Open Office  GIMP GIMP  Audacity Audacity  CamStudio CamStudio More  The OpenDisc The OpenDisc  SourceForge SourceForge  SchoolForge SchoolForge

9 Content – General Multimedia Photos and video  The Open Photo Project The Open Photo Project  Flickr (CC)‏ Flickr  Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons  NextVista NextVista Music and sound  ccMixter ccMixter  MusOpen MusOpen  The FreeSound project The FreeSound project

10 Content – Education Wikibooks FreeReading Curriki Kids Open Dictionary OER Commons MIT OpenCourseWare Ebooks More...

11 How You Can Contribute If you publish something you are willing to share, open license it Publish on an open platform like Wikispaces Post photos (to Flickr or elsewhere) with an open license If you see a mistake in Wikipedia, FIX IT! Add something to a topic in Wikipedia or Wikibooks Write a definition in the Kids Open Dictionary Tell three people you know about OER

12 Thank you for listening. Karen Fasimpaur

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