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Struggle for Democracy in South America What has the US done to contain socialism/communism in South America?

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1 Struggle for Democracy in South America What has the US done to contain socialism/communism in South America?

2 1964: Military Junta overthrows elected govt of Brazil. US supports military government. 1969: Socialist group called MR8 kidnaps the American Ambassador. Offers to exchange Ambassador for political prisoners 1967: Che Guevara attempts to start a socialist revolution in Bolivia. He is killed by the Bolivian Army, which was aided by the CIA. US Intervention in South America

3 1970: Socialist group called the Tupamaros kidnap CIA agent Dan Mitrone, who was training police in torture. Uruguayan Gov. will not release prisoners & Mitrone killed by captors 1973: CIA helps Chilean Army in a coup against elected President Salvador Allende, who was a socialist. US supports coup leader Augusto Pinochet, who rules as a dictator for 16yrs Today: Socialist leaders elected in Venezuela (Hugo Chavez), Ecuador (Rafael Correa) & Bolivia(Evo Morales), & Brazil (Dilma Rouseff)

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