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Hormones Affecting Blood Cell Production & Function

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1 Hormones Affecting Blood Cell Production & Function

2 Hormones Erythropoietin Leukopoietin Thymosin

3 Erythropoietin 165 amino acid glycoprotein, MW = 30,000
Produced primarily by peritubular capillary endothelial cells (Kidney) Minor production by Liver Receptor with a single transmembrane domain Requires dimerization like PRL/GH receptor Binds to and activates JAK-2

4 Erythropoietin Action
In concert with other growth factors Stimulates growth and maturation of erythroblast line Stimulates growth of megakaryocyte Stimulates the initiation of megakaryocyte process formation

5 Erythropoietin Control

6 Leukopoietin Postulated to Exist
Stimulate production of Myeloid cells.

7 Thymic Hormones Thymic ablation in adult animals had no observable effect. Neonatal Thymectomy Wasting Disease Death from opportunistic infections Wasting Disease also after radiation & thymectomy. Wasting Disease prevented by thymic extracts--Thymosin

8 Thymosins Thymosin Fraction 5: Crude preparation of 40-60 peptides
Enhances natural killer cell (NK-cell) activity. Stimulates secretion of Interleukin-2 (IL2) production Stimulates IL2 receptor expression Stimulates IL1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production

9 Thymosins (Cont.) Thymosin-alpha-1 28 amino acid peptide
113 amino acid prohormone, prothymosin alpha Induces differentiation of T-cell precursors Stimulates production of IL2, IL2 receptor & B-cell growth factor Helper (CD4+) and cytotoxic (CD8+) T-cells are target

10 Thymosins (Cont.) Thymosin-alpha-1 (Cont.)
Increases efficiency of antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells Paracrine/autocrine factor Regulation not known

11 Thymosins (Cont.) Beta-thymosins
Group of related proteins who’s effect on lymphocytes is poorly understood May be induced by interferon Thymosin-Beta-4 acts on differentiation and maturation of early T-cells Many of the beta-thymosins are expressed by tumor cells and may be involved in metastasis.

12 Other Thymic Peptides Thymostimulin (TP-1) Thymopoietin
Enhanced production of IL2 and interferon Reduces postoperative infection rates of immunocompromised patients Thymopoietin Stimulates differentiation of T-cells while inhibiting differentiation of B-cells Increased IL2 and IL2 receptor expression Increased size of T-cell pool Increased NK-cell activity.

13 Other Thymic Peptides Thymulin (Serum thymic factor)
Increases T-cell populations probably via stimulation of IL1 Production stimulated by PRL & GH

14 AIDS Thymic peptides have been used to enhance the immune system of HIV infected individuals.

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