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Overview of Physics Graduate Program Joe Kapusta Director of Graduate Studies REU 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Physics Graduate Program Joe Kapusta Director of Graduate Studies REU 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Physics Graduate Program Joe Kapusta Director of Graduate Studies REU 2012

2 What We Look for in Applications Undergraduate GPA Grades in core physics courses General GRE scores Physics subject GRE score Research experience Letters of recommendation Statement of interest

3 Foci of Your Life in Physics Courses Teaching Research Other

4 Graduate School Tips and Timeline Take courses (first 2-3 years) Teach discussion and lab sessions (first 2-3 years) Pass Graduate Written Exam (GWE) –Given in August and January –Should pass by August of 2 nd year Focus on research (3 rd year on) Form study groups with at least one native English speaker and one non-US citizen. Stay sane, have fun, connect with people

5 Courses to Consider in the First Year 4211* Introduction to Solid State Physics 4511* Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 4611* Introduction to Space Physics 4621* Introduction to Plasma Physics 5081* Introduction to Biopolymer Physics 5001/2 Quantum Mechanics 5011/2 Classical Physics (mechanics, E&M) 5022 Relativity, Cosmology, and the Universe 5041 Mathematical Methods for Physics 5201 Thermal and Statistical Physics 5072 Best Practices in College Physics Teaching 5073 Introduction to Research Seminar * Survey Course

6 Financial Support Departmental Fellowship to try out research in summer 2012 Teaching Assistantship and/or Fellowship for academic year 2012-13 Departmental Fellowship to try out research in summer 2013 Guaranteed financial support for at least 5 years assuming good progress

7 Our Fields of Research Astrophysics and cosmology: theory and experiment Biophysics: theory and experiment Condensed matter physics: theory and experiment Elementary particle physics: theory and experiment Nuclear physics: theory Physics education Space physics: theory and experiment

8 New Physics and Nanotechnology Building The $83 million 4+1 story 155,000 sq. ft. building will house a 5,000 sq. ft. clean room and will have offices and labs for all experimental faculty and their groups. Completion date will be in Fall 2013.

9 Where to find information: Under “Physics Intranet” look at Advice from the DGS Physics Graduate Handbook

10 Graduation Statistics Median length of time to PhD = 5.7 years Time to graduate depends on external factors such as –scope of project –funding approval as well as on factors you have a control over such as –how hard you work –how organized you are

11 After graduation Nationwide initial employment of physics PhDs Academic57% Government17% Private sector23% Nonprofit1% Other2%

12 Look Where You Want to Be, Not Where You Are

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