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Preparing for Day 1. Day 1 Tasks Tasks include Creating an Announcement Adding Calendar Entries Creating a Discussion Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Day 1. Day 1 Tasks Tasks include Creating an Announcement Adding Calendar Entries Creating a Discussion Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Day 1

2 Day 1 Tasks Tasks include Creating an Announcement Adding Calendar Entries Creating a Discussion Forum

3 Creating An Announcement On the Control Panel, under Course Tools, select Announcements Click Create Announcement On the Create Announcement page, enter the Subject and the Message Choose to display the announcement permanently or select dates Click Submit

4 Creating An Announcement


6 Adding Calendar Entries On the Control Panel, under Course Tools, select Course Calendar Optionally, select a calendar view: Day, Week, Month, or Year Click create Course Event Enter Event Name and Description Enter the Event Date Enter the Event Start and End Time Click Submit

7 Adding Calendar Entries Viewing Options

8 Adding Calendar Entries

9 Hands-on Activity Day 1 Activities Create an announcement welcoming students to your class Create one or two calendar entries Turn Edit Mode OFF to view as a student.

10 Creating a Discussion Forum On the Course Menu, click the Begin Class Here Link If you have completed the previous activities, you should have a Discussion area created. Click the Discussion Board Link in the Content Area. On the Discussion Board page, click Create Forum Enter a Name for the Forum and an optional Description Select Forum Availability Select Forum Settings Click Submit

11 Creating a Discussion Forum

12 Hands-on Activity Discussion Forum Create a Begin Class Here Discussion Forum Turn Edit Mode OFF to view as a student.


14 Things to Consider Ideas to ConsiderNotes How will you organize your content area? By subject, chronology, or type of content? Will you link to tools from the Content Area or from the Course Menu or Tools link? Will you customize your course? Will you change the Course Menu style or color? Will you change the Course Entry Point?

15 Things to Consider Ideas to ConsiderNotes What Day 1 Tasks are important for your course? Will you create a Welcome Announcement? What initial events do you want to add to the Course Calendar? Will you create a Begin Class Here Discussion Forum? Will you create generic Discussion Forum so students can interact with each other?

16 Way To Go!!

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