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Evil People Project How to Succeed. What makes your Mini-Project good? Should be well researched. Tells a good story / is interesting and enjoyable to.

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Presentation on theme: "Evil People Project How to Succeed. What makes your Mini-Project good? Should be well researched. Tells a good story / is interesting and enjoyable to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evil People Project How to Succeed

2 What makes your Mini-Project good? Should be well researched. Tells a good story / is interesting and enjoyable to audit. Gives some insight into human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. Gives some insight into human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. Gives the audience something important to think about. Provides real-life situations that can be applied to real life. Causes you to question critically the individual’s behaviour. You can relate in some way through prior knowledge to the individual and the actions. (emotional/personal response).

3 Your True Purpose Prove that you have done a thorough job of researching and presented information in the appropriate time frame. Prove that you have understood important aspects of your person. Prove that this individual truly belongs in this place in history (as an evil person) and make a thoughtful connection to your text (text to text), and to life (text to world) and to yourself (text to self)

4 THOUGHTFUL RESEARCHERS You will need to choose the best/most interesting information for a solid presentation. Do not rely on summaries or internet only. You should have at least two sources – one being a book. Use proper works cited at the end. You may do this on paper or on power point.

5 Evil Person Project Presentations There is no part of the instructions for this project that ask for a heavily detailed background summary or character explanation. Do not spend too much of your time on this. TIME: It is a 7 to 10 minute presentation. It is your job to stay within the time limit. This means you must be well rehearsed and cut the unnecessary. Try to find a way to “hook” your audience at the beginning so that interest will be less likely to waver during your presentation. This could be a question, a fact, a 30 second skit, dialogue, or other “appropriate” means of gaining audience attention.

6 Presentations The directions in the rubric state, “You must explain ‘the insight’ you gained from researching this individual.” This is an important part of the presentation, (the controlling idea). You must utter the word, “insight”! Then, you have to say something relevant and meaningful. If you do a good job here, you will prove that you have done careful and thoughtful research.

7 General Comments Learn to follow directions with precision. Your responses should help to prove that you read and understood the person. Use all directions, rubrics, samples, etc to help create your final product. If you like, you can use PowerPoint to guide your presentation.*** limit the amount of text you use on your slides.

8 General Comments Wording and word choice must be both precise and accurate. This is an editing/revising task*** Phrasing and attention to important details Book + Internet. Books are usually more reliable. It is your job to choose the BEST information and text support your argument. (agt)

9 Outside Sources You may use more than 2 sources Cite any outside source you use from any idea in this presentation. Only you know for sure! I am always watching for this and will be trying to protect the innocent!

10 How do we succeed and avoid delays/problems?? Help a person who has not seemed to “measure up” to what you expect. Do not put them down and give up. This hurts in more ways than one! Keep a software or hard copy of anything the group makes. Be sure everyone has what you have. If four people have everything and are familiar with everything, then three, or even two can make the presentation on a given day without the third or fourth person (s), (who may be legitimately sick) without “missing the opportunity” and sacrificing their mark. In other words, it is not acceptable to say at the last minute, “Person 1 did not do...”, or, “Person 2 is sick and can not do ‘their’ part of the presentation.” Avoid these two things as they are a sure-fire way to “torpedo” your efforts. Last, have your notes, power-points, etc. “ready to go” on the day you are to present. Save items you wish to show in MS word 2003 or lower for example so school computers will understand them. I will post a schedule early and you will know your date. Presentations will span May 3-4 2012. Expect technological problems and deal with them when they happen.

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