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Academic Dishonesty Avoid Making a Terrible Mistake!

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1 Academic Dishonesty Avoid Making a Terrible Mistake!

2 Do You Have Integrity? The dictionary defines integrity as: the strict adherence to a moral code of ethics. The Smyrna School District website calls it: a steady and faithful observance of a code of moral values. This includes honesty in word and deed and a sense of right and wrong. Others have said: Integrity is… doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Integrity is… being able to look at yourself in the mirror without any regret of your actions. Quite simply… Integrity is knowing the difference between right and wrong and always doing what is right, despite the temptation to take short cuts or make life easier for yourself.

3 What is Academic Dishonesty? Motivation for academic dishonesty often includes: Lax morals & ethics.Lax morals & ethics. Procrastination & Laziness.Procrastination & Laziness. Low confidence of one’s ability.Low confidence of one’s ability. Pressure to maintain good grades.Pressure to maintain good grades. Class is beyond student ability.Class is beyond student ability. Students sometimes sacrifice their integrity to complete assignments and submit work on time.

4 Phrases to Avoid “I forgot to do my homework, can I see yours?” “I didn’t read the book, but there was a summary online.” “I’m just going to use my essay from last year.” “What was on the test yesterday?” “What should my data look like?” “So what was the chapter about last night?” “It’s not right, but I just wrote anything…it’s not like the teacher reads each one.”

5 Academic Dishonesty Cheating Copying answers. Asking neighbors for help Using any device, implement, or study aid on test. Using identical papers for separate courses. Buying essays / papers.Fabrication Falsifying research or data. Changing grades. Inventing sources.Plagiarism Submitting another’s work as your own. Incorrect sourcing and citation.Facilitation Allowing a student to copy off of your paper. Sharing test questions with a student from another class. Taking a test for someone else. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of potential instances of Academic Dishonesty.

6 Potential Consequences PersonalPersonal –Loss of Reputation/Integrity A reputation, like fine china, may be repaired, but people will always focus on the cracks. Smyrna High SchoolSmyrna High School –Referral –Zero on the assignment –Detention –Parent/Teacher Conference –Exclusion from Honor Society Colleges & UniversitiesColleges & Universities –Formal Disciplinary Hearing –Suspension or Possible Expulsion

7 Expectations for this Class Expectations for this Class “How to Avoid Academic Dishonesty” Do Your Own Work.Do Your Own Work. –This is the easiest way to avoid any issues. Be HonestBe Honest –Take responsibility, and avoid complicating the issue. Don’t Cut Corners.Don’t Cut Corners. –Most assignments involve a process of learning; don’t deprive yourself of that lesson. Manage Your Time.Manage Your Time. –Procrastination can cause people to give less than their best effort. Ask The Teacher Questions.Ask The Teacher Questions. –That’s why I’m here – and I have the right answer.

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