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Grade 8 Rhonda Friesen special Thanks to Sherry Peters for her example.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 8 Rhonda Friesen special Thanks to Sherry Peters for her example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 8 Rhonda Friesen special Thanks to Sherry Peters for her example.

2 The Apple Juice test Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to learn and understand characteristics of living things. Is there anything that you can see that makes sand different from yeast? Some differences between sand and yeast is that the sand is finer than yeast, sand is also a lighter color, sand is also not grown, like yeast, but found. (characteristic) Sand is just shredded rocks and yeast is a grown fungus. CATEGORY20 TitlesThe report has an appropriate title and each section is given an appropriate title. All titles are underlined and bold Report and sections are not given titles that are appropriate. If a section has a title it is not underlined or bold. CATEGORY4321 AimThe purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is clearly identified and stated. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is identified, but is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is partially identified, and is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The purpose of the lab or the question to be answered during the lab is erroneous or irrelevant.

3 Experimental Hypothesis Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is clear and reasonable based on what has been studied. Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable based on general knowledge and observations. Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results has been stated, but appears to be based on flawed logic. No hypothesis has been stated. Hypothesis: What do you think will happen when you put 10ml of yeast in with 200mL of apple juice? I think that the yeast will bubble up and become lighter when you put the 10mL of yeast in with the 200mL of apple juice. What do you think will happen when you put the 10mL of sand in with 200mL of apple juice? I think the sand will just sink to the bottom of the jar. How is it linked to characteristics of a living organism?

4 EquipmentAll materials and equipment used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Almost all materials and equipment used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Most of the materials and equipment used in the experiment are accurately described. Many materials or equipment are described inaccurately OR are not described at all. Materials: The materials you will need to complete this experiment are 10 ml of sand, 10 ml of yeast, 400mL of apple juice, 2 containers, a pair of scissors, a measuring container, and some sort of mixing stick (Straw). Or you can list them in an organized manner using numbers.

5 ProceduresProcedures are listed in clear steps. Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence. Procedures are listed in a logical order, but steps are not numbered and/or are not in complete sentences. Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow. Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment. Procedure: 1.Bring supplies to a table and make sure the yeast, sand, and the apple juice are all there and ready to go. 2.Wash out containers. 3.Dry the containers well. 4.Bring containers back to the table. 5.Take one of the apple juice boxes and carefully cut open the side of it. 6.Pour the apple juice into one of the containers and measure the apple juice as well as record the amount. 7.Grab the yeast and cut off one of the sides. 8.Pour the yeast into the measuring cup and see how much yeast you will be using. Record your findings. 9.Pour the yeast into the apple juice. 10.Monitor the apple juice with yeast for five minutes while writing down what you see happening. 11.Mix the yeast and the apple juice, record your observations. 12.Repeat numbers 5 to 11 with the sand in a new container and fresh apple juice. 13. Finally pour out the mixtures into a garbage can and wash out the containers as well as clean up your station.

6 ResultsComplete results of the experiment are given and explained fully with detail. Results of the experiments are given but not explained in detail. Results of the experiment are incomplete. No results for the experiment are given. Observations: When the yeast was poured into the apple juice the yeast immediately clumped together. Some of the yeast went to the bottom and some stayed floating on the top. Soon pieces from the top started to let go and slowly sink to the bottom. The yeast did produce waste; it let off little flakes that drifted to the bottom of the container. The yeast floating on top of the apple juice was dry. The yeast also grew slowly as they absorbed some of the apple juice. After the five minutes of observing we stirred the mixture. When stirred the mixture turned brown and cloudy. The yeast was mixed throughout the apple juice and it mixed as evenly as it could with the juice. When the sand was poured into the apple juice formed a large blob made up of little blobs of sand. I looked similar to brains or intestines. The sand did not mix with the apple juice. All the sand immediately went to the bottom of the container. After a few minutes of observing the blobs of sand at the bottom looked like they were filling up with air. Soon little bubbles floated to the top of the container. After observing for five minutes we stirred the sand with the apple juice. The sand did not mix in with the apple juice, instead the sand just turned into smaller blobs that stayed at the bottom of the container.

7 Discussion and Conclusion Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection. Conclusion: (how were your predictions different from what you saw?) My predictions were different from what I saw because the yeast did not bubble like I thought and the sand did not mix with the apple juice like I thought. I learned that yeast showed some of the characteristics of living organism such as producing waste as well as growing. While the sand did not show any characteristics of a living organisms. Why is it important to use and equal amount of sand and yeast and an equal amount of apple juice? It is important to have an equal amount of ingredients because if you would have different amounts than your result will most likely be wrong as well it will be hard to compare your findings between the two substances.

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