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Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 The role of collecting societies in the digital era Florence 1 December 2005 A.F.I Italian Association of Phonographic Producers.

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Presentation on theme: "Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 The role of collecting societies in the digital era Florence 1 December 2005 A.F.I Italian Association of Phonographic Producers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 The role of collecting societies in the digital era Florence 1 December 2005 A.F.I Italian Association of Phonographic Producers

2 2 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 AFI Italian Association of Phonographic Proeucers Founded in 1948, A.F.I is a non-profit association representing almost 170 SMEs of producers of music contents AFI collects and distributes to its members incomes of neighbouring rights (use of recorded music in public performances, TV and radio broadcasting and new interactive multimedia channels) AFI is the founding member of EMCA - European Music Copyright Alliance - involving European collecting societies with the aim of promoting in junior schools awareness campaigns on the “Respect of Creativity” Association of SMEs of Music content owners Collecting Society of their neighboring rights

3 3 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 AFI role in AXMEDIS Analysis of IP and legal issues European legal framework - IPR management issues Analysis of standard contracts Contractual provisions and terms to be considered for their formalization into licensing models Provider of music content Digital music contents for testing and validating the AXMEDIS tools and for the demonstration phase Involvement of SMEs Support training and dissemination activities specifically targeted to SMEs of music industry

4 4 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 AFI interests in AXMEDIS Axmedis impact on AFI members (content owners) Axmedis represents a unique occasion for AFI members and for SMEs of content owners to significantly enhance their competitiveness and market opportunities enabling them to exploit on a global scale their music content in a legal environment Axmedis impact on AFI institutional role (collecting society) Stimulate the innovation in rights management process (.i.e. digital music licensing, reciprocal agreement etc) and contribute to the harmonization of the EU legal framework on collective management

5 5 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 CMS act as representative of right holders on whose behalf they manage various type of rights CMS role in the digital era is becoming much more crucial AFI Panel: the role of collecting societies in the digital era DRM systems cannot assume CMS functions CMS role is far broader that collection and distribution of royalties….. Individual rights management can lock out of the market SMEs of record companies, publishers and artists

6 6 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 DRMs are not an alternative to CMS but will facilitate and enhance the management, administration and enforcement of the rights that CMS represent. AXMEDIS supports the interaction between the proposed DRM systems and CMS tools or networks. CMS are themselves active in developing DRM components and in participating in international fora ( i.e. MPEG 21) AFI Panel: the role of collecting societies in the digital era

7 7 Axmedis Int’l Conference 2005 Marc Gauvin, SDAE International Relations - Spain DRM approach from the Authors' Collecting Societies Maila Sansaini General Manager IMAIE - Italy Artists rights management: from SIREX project to the DRM Dominic McGonigal Director, Government Relations PPL - UK Producers rights collective management perspective Antonio Brunetti Director of Information System Dep. SIAE – Italy The FastTrack network : overview and aims AFI Panel: the role of collecting societies in the digital era

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