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Ag Production Technology III Mr. DeBord.  Cheviot  Dorset  Hampshire  Suffolk  Shropshire  Southdown.

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Presentation on theme: "Ag Production Technology III Mr. DeBord.  Cheviot  Dorset  Hampshire  Suffolk  Shropshire  Southdown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ag Production Technology III Mr. DeBord

2  Cheviot  Dorset  Hampshire  Suffolk  Shropshire  Southdown

3  Mountain breed  Very hardy  Common in cold and wet area

4  Long season  Early puberty  Good milkers  Twinning rate

5  Rapid growth  Good milkers

6  Suffolks have bare heads, black faces, and bare black legs  Relatively large breed, developed in England, well-known for its high quality meat  Suffolk rams are widely used with ewes of other breeds to produce crossbred lambs for slaughter

7  Twinning rate  Good milkers  Heavy wool producer of medium wool

8  a medium to small sized breed with a gray to mouse-brown face  early maturing  Good milkers  Excels in crossbreeding programs

9  Rambouillet  Merino  Lincoln  Columbia

10  Hardy  Longevity  Summer breeder  High quality fleece

11  Finest softest wool of any sheep

12  Produces heaviest longest wool

13  Large breed  Early maturing  Short breeding season

14  Finnsheep  Highly Prolific  Early Puberty

15  Katahdin  Dorper  St. Criox

16  Parasite resistant  Early maturing  Most popular hair sheep breed in U.S.

17  Parasite resistant  Early maturing

18  Parasite resistant  Early Maturing

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