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A & M Libraries Voyager Training Bulk Export, Import, and Prebulk Processing February 21, 2007 Co-ming Chan Oklahoma State University, STW.

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Presentation on theme: "A & M Libraries Voyager Training Bulk Export, Import, and Prebulk Processing February 21, 2007 Co-ming Chan Oklahoma State University, STW."— Presentation transcript:

1 A & M Libraries Voyager Training Bulk Export, Import, and Prebulk Processing February 21, 2007 Co-ming Chan Oklahoma State University, STW

2 Bulk Export of MARC Records Also called “marcexport” Allow the export of many MARC records at one time Extract records from the Voyager database to a file in the /rpt directory on the server You can export one type of record at a time, e.g. bib, authority, or holdings records, or a combination of bib and holdings

3 Specify Type of Records You can use a variety of different criteria We have specified “Export” status in bib records A range of bib numbers Voyager location In combination with the use of Access reports

4 Use of Marcexport at OSU Ftp file to OCLC semi-monthly to set OSU holdings on OCLC records Fits our workflow since we do cataloging on Voyager instead of OCLC Eliminates the need of going to OCLC to retrieve records and use to set holdings one by one

5 Voyager Record

6 OCLC Record

7 Batch Deletion of Bib Records Using a range of bib IDs if Records were batch loaded Bib IDs of records were in consecutive order This method of batch deletion was used for updating EBSCO records, because they could not be overlaid. Each update was approximately 3,500 records.

8 Using Range of Bib IDs Deletion steps Use Marcexport to produce an interleaved file of bibs and mfhds based on range of bib IDs Use Bulkimport to load this file back to the Voyager database with rule set for “Replace” Since incoming records and the existing records are an exact match, the existing records are replaced and archived on the server in a delete file called deleted.bib.yyy.mmdd.hhmm The records in the incoming file were set to be deleted, and therefore they were not added

9 Using Voyager location & preprocessing with Access Reports This method of batch deletion was used to delete ProQuest records, because of change in vendor Some of bib records were deleted, and ProQuest mfhds were attached to paper records We wanted to delete only ProQuest bib records and ProQuest mfhds Bib IDs were not in consecutive order Deleted approximately 1,700 bib records, and 3,000 mfhds

10 Using Voyager Location Deletion steps Use Access Reports to generate a list of bib IDs based on ProQuest location From the list, create a text file for the bib IDs Use Marcexport to extract bib records from Voyager matching the bib IDs in the text file. Did not want to pull mfhds out or non-ProQuest mfhds would also be pulled Prebulk the file to create MARC file with mfhds with the PQD location Use Bulk Import to delete records

11 Prebulk Allows editing for bib records before importing Strips out fields or subfields from bib records We use it to move 856 fields for URLs from bibs to mfhds, and add public note to mfhds Creates an interleaved file of bibs and mfhds to be loaded to Voyager using Bulk Import

12 MarcEdit for More Customization Excludes PrompCat records from the bib records sent to OCLC for holdings attachment Avoids paying twice for OCLC holdings since PromptCat service includes the charge of holdings attachment Batch edits of bib records converted from SCUA Access database Edits URLs of NetLibrary records for changing access method (In test)

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