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1 April 2008 Needs for and experiences with technologies for adaptation to climate change Iulian Florin Vladu Technology Sub-programme Adaptation, Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "1 April 2008 Needs for and experiences with technologies for adaptation to climate change Iulian Florin Vladu Technology Sub-programme Adaptation, Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 April 2008 Needs for and experiences with technologies for adaptation to climate change Iulian Florin Vladu Technology Sub-programme Adaptation, Technology and Science Programme UNFCCC Bangkok, Thailand

2 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme2 This presentation will cover: o Technology framework and its thematic area on technology needs and needs assessment o TNAs – definition and purpose. Priority needs for technologies for adaptation of non-Annex I Parties o Synthesis of technologies for adaptation o Issues for consideration

3 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme3 Major milestones for the technology process

4 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme4 Integrated vision | Technology, policy and investment Private Subsidies and grants Governments contracts & specialized programs Concessional loans & seed capital Entrepreneur’s equity Supplier credits & Build-Own-Transfer Corporate finance & project finance Third party financing Investment insurance & guarantees Bank loans Public CCS in power sector (CCS advanced steam cycle with oxyfueling, CCS-IGCC), hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, ocean energy and fusion Biodiesel, concentrating solar power, IGCC, fuel cells, CCS advanced steam cycle with flue-gas separation Public Private Partnerships PPP Energy ‑ efficiency (e.g. vehicle fuel economy improvements, motor and steam systems, buildings and appliances), renewable energy and reducing gas flaring Publicly funded R&D, R&D tax credits - Economic incentives (e.g. adoption subsidies, direct public sector investments and carbon markets) - Market creation and transformation - Regulatory approaches (e.g. emission taxes, renewable portfolio standards) - Legislative frameworks, and codes, labels and standards (technology, performance) - Identify technology needs - Enhance access to technology information - Improve technology absorption capacity - Assess technologies for adaptation - Collaborative R&D - Endogenous technologies - Enabling environments for technology transfer -Options for innovative financing of technology transfer - private financing advisory network - EU - GEEREF - new multilateral technology cooperation fund

5 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme5 TNAs | What are they? o The technology transfer framework defines TNAs as a set of country-driven activities that identify and determine the mitigation and adaptation technology priorities of Parties,…, particularly developing country Parties o They involve different stakeholders in a consultative process to identify the barriers to technology transfer and measures to address these barriers through sectoral analyses o These activities may address soft and hard technologies, such as mitigation and adaptation technologies, identify regulatory options and develop fiscal and financial incentives and capacity building

6 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme6 TNAs | What are they? o The purpose of TNAs is to assist in identifying and analysing priority technology needs, which can form the basis for a portfolio of EST projects and programmes which can facilitate the transfer of, and access to, the ESTs and know-how in the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention  o TNAs are central to the work on technology transfer. They follow a country-driven approach, bringing together stakeholders to identify needs and develop plans to meet those needs

7 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme7 TNAs | Support, methodology and guidance o GEF has provided funding to 94 non-Annex I Parties to conduct TNAs through its interim financing for capacity-building in priority areas – enabling activities phase II (also known as “top-ups”). 80 are being supported by UNDP and 14 by the UNEP. Some 34 TNA reports are available o 1 expert meeting to identify methodologies to conduct TNAs  UNDP developed a simplified, user-friendly handbook on Conducting TNAs for climate change The TNA handbook, produced in collaboration with CTI, the EGTT and the secretariat, was made available to Parties in 2004 o CTI, in collaboration with UNDP, organized 3 regional workshops to field-test and further develop the TNA handbook, to discuss regional concerns and priorities in assessing technology needs and to further assist Parties in conducting TNAs

8 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme8 MitigationAdaptation Activity 2: Identify technology criteria for assessment Activity 3: Prioritize sectors and select key technology(ies) Activity 4: Identify barriers and policy needs* Activity 6: Prepare a synthesis report Review GHG inventory for mitigation potential Identify key sectors and characteristics Review national plans in identified sectors Review available vulnerability studies Identify vulnerable sectors Review national plans in vulnerable sectors Review technology options and resources Prepare list of sectors with mitigation potential Develop criteria to apply to vulnerable sectors Compile a list of prioritized mitigation technologies and key sectors Prioritize vulnerable sectors Identify characteristics of prioritized sectors Compile responses to address vulnerability Activity 5: Define and select options Conduct environ- mental technology impact assessment Assess capacity to use mitigation technologies Conduct environ- mental technology impact assessment Assess capacity to use adaptation technologies Implementation actions Rank and select prioritized mitigation technologies and key sectors Identify practical options for priority sectors Identify responses and technologies Rank and prioritize applicable technologies Assess adequacy of financial resources Ensure transparency Identify potential synergies Identify ways to reduce barriers Continue stakeholder involvement Revise plans as needed Activity 1: Prepare a preliminary overview of the sectors Cross-cutting issues (Stakeholder engagement and barrier analysis) Full report (including a description of the stakeholder process adopted, an evaluation of sectoral needs and opportunities…, a statement of data gaps, project concepts/proposals, potential sources of funding) Summary report in NC Input from NC, NAPAs, national development plans Output to NC, NAPAs national development plans Communicate TNA findings

9 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme9 TNAs | What are the priority technology needs? o Synthesis of technology needs assessments (TNAs) – FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.1:  Highlights priority technology needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate adaptation to the adverse impacts of climate change based on information contained in 23 TNAs and 25 initial national communications submitted by non- Annex I Parties  Draws attention to specific barriers to technology transfer and suggests measures to address them, including through capacity-building  Highlights ways used to involve stakeholders in a consultative process to conduct TNAs, including the methodologies and criteria used to prioritize technology needs

10 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme10 TNAs | How representative are their results?

11 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme11 TNAs - how priorities were selected? | How they relate to national development objectives?

12 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme12 TNAs | What are commonly identified mitigation technologies in TNAs?

13 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme13 TNAs | What are commonly identified adaptation technologies in TNAs?

14 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme14 TNAs | What are commonly identified technologies to address sea-level rise?

15 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme15 TNAs | What are main barriers to technology transfer identified by country?

16 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme16 TNAs | What are main measures to address barriers to technology transfer?

17 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme17 TNAs | What are main capacity-building needs?

18 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme18 TNAs synthesis report | key findings o The TNA is an effective tool for decision makers and international institutions that may be involved in the facilitation of the technology transfer process. The TNA process not only helps identify specific technology needs, but also points out the direction in which future policies and regulations will need to progress o The main beneficiary of the TNAs are the Parties that conducted them, as these reports provide a good basis for follow-up activities to further enhance the transfer of climate friendly technologies.

19 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme19 Synthesis of technologies for adaptation under the NWP | Approach o Synthesis report on technologies for adaptation identified in the submissions from Parties and relevant organizations  Mandated by SBSTA25  Submissions prepared based on a structure provided by the secretariat  Part of submissions provided on adaptation approaches, strategies, practices and technologies for adaptation at the regional, national and local levels in different sectors, as well as on experiences, needs and concerns  Serve as an input to the NWP and to the work of the EGTT on analysing and identifying ways to facilitate and advance technology transfer activities, including those identified in the technology transfer framework

20 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme20 NWP synthesis | National circumstances`and Commonly reported sectors for TA

21 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme21 NWP synthesis | Technologies commonly reported by Parties and organizations

22 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme22 NWP synthesis | Types of technologies o Hard technologies, such as drought-resistant crop varieties, seawalls (e.g. in Male Island in the Maldives) and irrigation technologies (e.g. new or improved irrigation systems in Portugal) o Soft technologies, such as crop rotation patterns o Technologies were for implementation of adaptation actions (e.g., in the coastal zone sector such technologies aimed to protect against sea level rise (e.g. dykes in the Netherlands and beach nourishment in Cuba); to retreat from and limit the potential effects of sea level rise (e.g. technologies to relocate threatened buildings) and to accommodate sea level rise by increasing the ability of society to cope with the effects (e.g. technologies to prepare emergency plans, and to modify land use and agricultural practices).

23 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme23 NWP synthesis | Status of implementation and geographical scope o Status of implementation of technology related activities reported by Parties and organizations o Geographical scope of technologies cited in submissions by Parties and organizations

24 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme24 NWP synthesis | Commonly reported concerns and barriers for deployment of technologies for adaptation

25 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme25 NWP synthesis | Issues for further cosnideration o What would be the specific policy implications for development, deployment and diffusion of existing technologies (traditional and modern) for adaptation within countries, taking into account the important role of these technologies? o What could be done to develop high and future technologies and make them available to countries highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change? o What criteria, if any, could be taken into account in addition to benefits, including economic/financial and costs, equity and social/legal acceptability, in choosing the adequate technologies for adaptation? o Submissions highlighted that many activities reported relying on existing technologies for coping with climate variability which may also be important as technologies for adaptation to climate change. What could be done to promote the development, demonstration and deployment of such technologies for adaptation through national and international mechanisms

26 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme26

27 Iulian Florin VLADU - Technology Subprogramme27 THANK YOU!

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