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Capacity-building Development and transfer of technologies Education, training and public awareness Lando Velasco UNFCCC “UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity-building Development and transfer of technologies Education, training and public awareness Lando Velasco UNFCCC “UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Capacity-building Development and transfer of technologies Education, training and public awareness Lando Velasco UNFCCC “UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation of national communications from Parties not included In Annex I to the Convention” Mandarin Hotel Manila, Philippines 26-30 April 2004

3 Presentation outline Decision 2/CP.7 Article 4.5 Article 6 Capacity-building Technology transfer Educ./Training/Awareness

4 Capacity-building Education/training/ public awareness Technology transfer Cross-cutting issues…

5 Discussions and work are based…  Framework for capacity-building in developing countries (non-Annex I)  Framework for meaningful and effectiveness actions to enhance the implementation of Article 4.5 of the Convention on frameworks and work programmes  New Delhi work programme on Article 6

6 Capacity-building framework… Scope of needs and priorities… (Almost) everything related to climate change

7  Institutional strengthening  Enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment;  National communications;  National climate change programmes;  Ghg inventories, emission database management;  Vulnerability and adaptation assessment;  Capacity building for implementation of adaptation measures;  Assessment for implementation of mitigation options;  Research and systematic observation;  Development and transfer of technology;  Improved decision-making…  Clean development mechanism;  Needs arising out of Article 4.8 and 4.9;  Education, training and public awareness;  Information and networking, including the establishment of databases. Capacity-building scope of needs

8 Updates… Complete comprehensive review by COP 10 National capacity self assessments Capacity-building indicators GEF strategic approach to implement CB

9 Technology transfer framework…  Technology and technology needs assessments  Technology information  Enabling environments  Capacity-building  Mechanisms for technology transfer

10 Updates… EGTT work programme approved at COP 9 Prepared technical papers on capacity-building and enabling environments 80 countries are involved in technical needs assessments Innovative financing Work on adaptation technologies Discuss results of survey of effectiveness of TT:CLEAR

11 New Delhi work programme on Article 6…  International cooperation  Education  Training  Public awareness, public participation and public access to information

12 Updates…  New Delhi work programme is up and running  Organization of regional workshops (Europe and Africa completed. Asia and Latin America and Caribbean to follow)  Parties develop further work relating to information clearing house  Mid-term review at COP10  Other agencies taking initiative on Art. 6

13 Conclusions  Country-driven, stakeholder involvement, etc.  Consider synergy and inter-linkages with other agenda  Activity-based vs. results-based (Lessons-learned, gaps, approaches, etc.)

14 Thank you for your attention and may the force be with you

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