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Toby Beck.  Students use Microsoft OneNote and Jing to create a movie  Students speak, write and record on their computer all at the same time.

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Presentation on theme: "Toby Beck.  Students use Microsoft OneNote and Jing to create a movie  Students speak, write and record on their computer all at the same time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toby Beck

2  Students use Microsoft OneNote and Jing to create a movie  Students speak, write and record on their computer all at the same time

3  Instructional tool for the teacher  Tool for students to demonstrate understanding

4  Watch MathCast  Create own MathCast  Includes representations of manipulatives  Create a real life application  Collaborate via Skype to explain to a partner  Another class/city/province/country?

5  Internalize the concept  Access existing knowledge  Plan how to explain  Explain using a variety of modalities

6  Accesses multiple intelligences and requires greater brain activity to create a MathCast  “The net savvy group showed almost twice as much activity while online compared with reading a book....the web surfing task activated the same areas of the brain as reading, but in addition, the brain was involved in decision making, complex reasoning and vision detection.”  From “I Live in the Future and Here’s How It Works”  By Nick Bilton

7  Makes learning personal  Students now have access to the web to find digital artifacts that are meaningful to them and incorporate those artifacts into their math in a personal way  Context  Helps make the math become more real/meaningful/personal

8  Digital literacy  Preparing learners for the global, knowledge based, digital world

9  Allows for differentiated learning as students go at their own pace  Students go at their own pace as they pause, rewind instructional mathcast as needed  Then go on to create own mathcast at own pace

10  Web-based portfolio of learning over the year  Powerful living document that is personalized and represents their learning  Powerful tool to take to the next grade

11  I am no longer a traditional “Teacher” and become a “Learning Facilitator”  Knowledge doesn’t go through me and to them, rather I create frameworks for them to become self directed learners and responsible for their own learning

12   See my MathCasting page or go to student blogs and see their math pages   See student blogs and their math pages

13  The mathcasts also tested us on how much we understood the subject, not just the formula. This is better in my opinion as it prepares us more.  Digital learning allowed me to go at my own pace and not have to worry about people in the class that were faster than me and would make the class move on without me knowing because I was still working.  Personally, I think I learn way better digitally on my own rather than in class with everyone else. I can be in my own space and go at my own pace.


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