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Anna Ward Ridge Road MS.  The Digestive System is the body system which breaks down food so that cells can use it for energy. It includes:  Esophagus.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Ward Ridge Road MS.  The Digestive System is the body system which breaks down food so that cells can use it for energy. It includes:  Esophagus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Ward Ridge Road MS

2  The Digestive System is the body system which breaks down food so that cells can use it for energy. It includes:  Esophagus  Stomach  Small Intestine  Large Intestine

3  /digestivesystem/preview.weml /digestivesystem/preview.weml

4  DIGESTION  DIGESTION is the process of breaking down food into usable materials DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM transforms the energy and materials in food to forms your body can use. MECHANICALLY CHEMICALLY  Food breaks down both MECHANICALLY and CHEMICALLY

5  An Activity!!!  Please listen carefully and follow my directions.  Do not eat the bread!!!


7  Mechanical and Chemical Digestion begin here lips tongue  The lips and tongue position the food for chewing and swallowing teeth  The teeth break apart the food  Saliva  Saliva (Spit) from glands softens the food

8  After you swallow, the tongue pushes food into your throat  The tube that connects your mouth to your stomach is your  The esophagus transports food from the mouth to the stomach  Water = 2 secondsSolid food = 8 seconds

9 STOMACH  Smooth muscle in the STOMACH continue to mix and mash food  More chemicals are added to break down food  INCLUDES A VERY STRONG ACID  Stomach is lined with mucus to protect it

10  Other Organs are Important too!!!  Liver  Gallbladder  Pancreas

11 LARGEST  The LARGEST internal organ  Stores unneeded proteins FILTERS  It FILTERS blood. BILE  Has BILE that helps break down fats

12 LIVER  Tiny pear-shaped sac connected to the LIVER  BILE  BILE from the liver is stored here and then secreted into the small intestine

13  Located between the stomach and intestine  Lowers acidity in the small intestine  Important for absorbing food substances

14 small intestine  Food moves from the stomach to the small intestine  Food goes through chemical digestion in the small intestine  Villa  Villa in the small intestine absorb the nutrients  The average length of an 23 adult is about 23 feet!!!!!

15  Large Intestine COLON  Large Intestine is sometimes called the COLON  Water  Water and some nutrients are absorbed feces rectum  The remaining material is compacted and removed as waste (feces) through the rectum.

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