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Descriptive Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple Sclerosis.

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple Sclerosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple Sclerosis

2 Course of Disease ` ` Acute - Very Rapid Course, Death in a few months ` ` Progressive - Gradually becoming worse, well defined remissions and exacerbations exacerbations ` ` Benign - Exacerbations with very long remissions ` ` Subclinical - No Symptoms, identified at autopsy

3 Progressive Acute

4 Epidemiology : Incidence of MS in Denmark

5 Incidence of MS in Iceland

6 Incidence of MS in Faroe Islands

7 Incidence of MS in Faroe Islands by age

8 Years since 1942: in Faroe Islands

9 Incidence of MS in South Africa

10 Prevalence of MS

11 Unusual Occurrence of MS in Tropical Island

12 Risk Factors : Unusual Stress in 2 Yrs Before Cases Controls p value 79% 54% <0.01

13 Risk factors : Exposed to Animal Illness Cases Controls 43% 19%

14 Risk Factors : Exposed to Canine Distemper Cases Control 17% 6%

15 Physical Activity and MS

16 Immunologic Involvement ` `Autoantibodies ` `Encephalomyelitis developing- -Similar to the administration of rabies virus vaccine ` ` Evidence for a superantigen?

17 Frequency of Viral Infection

18 Concordance Rates in Twins MZ DZ 31/107 13/101 0.29 0.13

19 Prevalence of MS in First Degree Relatives Sibs Parents Offspring 125/10,682 41/6,521 9/1,521 0.0117 0.0063 0.0059

20 DZ Risk versus Sibling Risk DZ Sibling 0.13 0.012

21 HLA Antigens and MS: Northern Europeans

22 Conclusions ` `MS caused by environmental factors, but not clear what they are ` `For MS there is evidence for HLA associations, however, there is more than HLA ` `MS is a multiloci diseaseMS is a multiloci disease

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