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Inventory - Naturalness I. Introduction II. Inventory Procedures A. Background B. Route Analysis & Boundary Identification C. Size D. Naturalness E. Outstanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory - Naturalness I. Introduction II. Inventory Procedures A. Background B. Route Analysis & Boundary Identification C. Size D. Naturalness E. Outstanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory - Naturalness I. Introduction II. Inventory Procedures A. Background B. Route Analysis & Boundary Identification C. Size D. Naturalness E. Outstanding Opportunities & Supplemental Values F. Boundary Adjustments & LWC Documentation III. Planning Wilderness Characteristics Guidance for the BLM

2 Inventory Procedures: Naturalness Inventory - Naturalness Wilderness Characteristics Guidance for the BLM

3 Naturalness – part 1  Appears to be in a natural ecological condition  to the average visitor, not trained biologist  not ”pristine” or total ecological integrity  relatively unaffected by modern human activities  non-native species do not automatically disqualify Inventory - Naturalness

4 Naturalness – part 2  Are human developments too noticeable?  area should look at though it was affected primarily by the forces of nature  human developments substantially unnoticeable  document all noticeable human impacts Inventory - Naturalness

5 Naturalness – part 2  Are human developments too noticeable? Inventory - Naturalness trails & trail signs fire rings small radio repeaters stockponds cultural properties weather stations fences spring developments  Cumulative impacts?

6 Naturalness – part 2 Inventory - Naturalness  Cumulative impacts?

7 Naturalness – part 2 Inventory - Naturalness  Cumulative impacts?

8 Naturalness – part 2 Inventory - Naturalness  Do not consider impacts from outside

9 Naturalness – Documentation Inventory - Naturalness  Document naturalness rationale appears to be in natural condition looks to be affected primarily by the forces of nature human impacts substantially unnoticeable

10 Naturalness – Documentation Inventory - Naturalness  Document naturalness rationale  If naturalness criterion is not met  no wilderness characteristics  further inventory activity not necessary  document!  If naturalness criterion is met  proceed to “opportunities” criterion

11 Inventory Procedures: Naturalness Inventory - Naturalness End of Module IID Wilderness Characteristics Guidance for the BLM

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