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My First 30 Days A look into Karen Wagner’s Publication Class.

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1 My First 30 Days A look into Karen Wagner’s Publication Class

2 The First 30 Days It’s important to note that I am 99% sure that I have never done the same thing for the first 30 days. Ever. I always take my staff into consideration. Like any other class, the skills and personality drive how and what I teach and do.

3 On an alternating block My school’s schedule is an alternating block I see the kids every other day for a 99-minute period It is a lot of time to cover something It also gives the students time to figure out talking to people outside of class (if needed)

4 Day 1 Publications staffs need to get to know one another. Pick an activity that forces them to mingle and laugh. Students also need to understand what the expectations are. Either have the EiC(s) present if you are comfortable with that, or you need to take the time to do it.

5 Days 2 & 3: Go over the materials in the staff manual. Highlight the Editorial Policy, the Style Guide, AP Style, and the Publications schedule. (I test them on this.) Get to know the school. Have them go out and interact with faculty and students. We do a scavenger hunt (pre-approved by the people involved). Invite the Activities Director and/or the Principal in to meet the staff

6 Days 4 & 5 Do some more staff bonding! They have to work well for a year, so make sure they know and like each other. We typically play elbow tag Test them on the material in the staff manual Have them meet with their Beat for the first time Give them homework to come in with coverage ideas for news, feature, sports, and op/ed Have the photo editor teach basic photography

7 Days 6 & 7 Go over the process for the publication cycle Explain your grading system Explain any form you are using in class Brainstorm coverage for the first issue of the year and determine assignments

8 Days 8 & 9 Have the online editor go over the website Determine quick coverage possibilities to work in to the website Brainstorm possible assignments for video and/or sound slides, too Work on stories in class

9 Days 10 & 11 Students should be bringing in work by now They should be going through coaching sessions for their writing Consider teaching a mini-lesson on press law and ethics during this time

10 Days 12 & 13 Students should be finalizing stories during this time Visual elements should be turned in by the 12th day Editors should be piecing together their designs for their pages

11 Days 14 & 15 Editors need to finalize their designs All staffers should be proofreading pages While this is happening, students should be posting to the web Reporters need to be checking in with their Beat On Day 15, the paper should be sent to press

12 After the first 30 days When the publication arrives, students need to review it Have both the staff and a collection of other students provide feedback This will help the staff make any quick adjustments before they are too far in to the next issue

13 Does this work? Not always. It really depends on the staff. I try to get an issue out every 30 days (once a month), but adjustments always have to be made The students often take time to adjust to such a specific schedule

14 What should you do? Determine what is important to you Figure out how much your staff knows before you push them too quickly on an initial issue Take the time to teach mini-lessons Interact with the editors to help them figure out leadership Remember the kids need to have fun or they will quit

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