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1 Enhancing Civil Society Participation for Accountable Governance Activities Implemented by UNNATI with the Support of DVV During 2006-08.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Enhancing Civil Society Participation for Accountable Governance Activities Implemented by UNNATI with the Support of DVV During 2006-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Enhancing Civil Society Participation for Accountable Governance Activities Implemented by UNNATI with the Support of DVV During 2006-08

2 2 Project Objective (Aligned with the DVV Objective) Result Areas (aligned with the DVV result areas) 1.Adult educators from, CBOs and CSOs, are strengthened to carry out adult education programs for their target groups successfully. 2.Capacities and skills of disadvantaged local target groups are improved. 3.UNNATI and other CSOs advocate for an increased participation of marginalised population groups in social, economic and political processes and decisions. Underprivileged population and groups have access to social development resources and services by increased participation in the decentralized governance process

3 3 Key Achievements Result 1:Capacity Building of Adult Educators from CBOs & CSOs (Institutional Capacity Building) 1.1 147 (49 women and 93 men) adult educators from 25 CSOs are trained on Citizenship and Governance (5 trainings of 3 days) 1.2 73 (25 women & 48 men) adult educators from 30 CSOs are trained on Participatory Training

4 4 Result 1 Continued…. 1.3 22 (6 women and 16 men) senior staff members are trained on Result Based Management (2006) 1.4 16 (10 women & 6 men) key programme staff are trained on Gender Responsive Budgeting (2007) 1.5 20 (4 women & 16 men) new staff members are oriented and sensitised on Gender and Disability (2008)

5 5 Result 2: Enhanced Capacity of Local Target Groups 2.1 Citizen educators and citizen leaders trained on monitoring access to basic services, implementation of Right to Information Act and National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005, conducting social audits, voter awareness, mobilising the participation of women and dalits in the gram sabha 2006: 11 trgs. 61 W + 269 M = 330 p 2007: 8 trgs. 39 W + 171 M = 210 p 2008: 7 trgs. 31 W + 95 M = 126 p

6 6 Result 2 Continued…. 2.2 34 select citizen educators & citizen leaders oriented on communication skills - written & oral (2008) 2.3 For mainstreaming disability, audits of public places for a barrier free environment were conducted in collaboration with stakeholders e.g. the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), Gujarat Vidhyapeeth, Ahmedabad Airport and Railway Station, and Sardar Patel Institute of Rural Development Ahmedabad 2.4 A workshop with NGOs was facilitated to feed in recommendations for mainstreaming disability to the 11 th National Perspective Plan (2007) 2.5 A state level consultation was facilitated in partnership with rehabilitation institutions for suggesting amendments to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of rights and Full Participation) Act 1995

7 7 Result 3: Facilitating Advocacy for Increased Participation of Disadvantaged Groups 3.1 As part of a national level study facilitated by PRIA in 16 states during 2006, data was gathered from Sabarkantha district of Gujarat to assess the implementation of NREGA, identify the role and gaps for strengthening the Panchayati Raj Institutions 3.2 In collaboration with basin South Asia, state level workshop was facilitated on National Rural Housing Policy and Habitat (2006) for 66 participants (21 W & 45 M) from 32 CBOs, INGOs, media, design institutes, nationalised banks, panchayat representatives and government bodies

8 8 Result 3 Continued…. 3.3 Convention on Women’s Participation & Leadership in Governance (2007) was conducted for 281 participants from the panchayats, CSOs, media and academia. In this women in leadership positions from the grassroots shared their experiences along with the academia in a panel discussion This was part of a series of 16 workshops organised in the country to make policy recommendations for habitat access for the poor.

9 9 Result 3 Continued…… 3.4 11 issues of the thematic bulletin VICHAR in Gujarati and Hindi have been published and disseminated to 1800 CSOs, INGOs, academia, media, and individuals covering key themes like Gujarat after the 2002 Riots: Reconciliation, Healing and Livelihood; The Communal Violence Bill; Equity and Equality: Towards Poverty Alleviation; Gender Responsive Budgeting; Strategies for Creating Effective Communication Material; Steps for Empowering Community Organisations for Local Development; Social Audits: Purpose, Perspective, Methods and Problems; Imaging New South Asia in the Contemporary Context and Human Development Report and Global Warming.

10 10 Result 3 Continued…… 3.5 Three thematic booklets in English published (2006) Organising Dalits: Experiences from the Grass-roots United We Stand: Experiences of Working with Women’s Groups Mainstreaming Disability: Experiences in Enhancing Civil Society Participation

11 11 Result 3 Continued…. 3.6 On going discussions and dialogue was carried out with stakeholders including the officials of government departments (Gujarat Tribal Development department, Rural Development department, Women and Child Development department and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj) on current development issues/ concerns 3.7 Poster developed for the Gujarat Tribal Development department for popularisation of government programmes 3.8 Poster developed for recognition of leadership of disadvantaged sections in panchayat elections 2006 3.9 The poster on Equitable Work Place Environment was reprinted in 2008 (published in 2005) in English and Hindi. The Hindi version was disseminated as an insert in VICHAR.

12 12 Result 3 Continued….. 3.10 The training manual for panchayat representatives ‘Bhomiyo’ was reprinted (published 2005) and the training manual on participatory training ‘Sahbhagi Talim’ was reprinted 2007 (published 2000). 3.11 Dubbing of film ‘Freedom of Being’ (2005) in Gujarati called ‘Azad Astitva’ on barrier free built environment 3.12 Four draft booklets on the History of Women’s Movement in Hindi and Gujarati have been prepared for use by development practitioners at the grassroots and are under production 3.13 Three draft manuals of Training Resource Pack on Gender have been prepared for trainers and are under production.

13 13 Thank You

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