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Kidney Stone Research By Cheles Fawver.

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Presentation on theme: "Kidney Stone Research By Cheles Fawver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kidney Stone Research By Cheles Fawver

2 What Types of Stones Are There?
Calcium Oxalate Stone -Made up of Calcium 2. Cystine Stone (rare) -Cystine Buildup in Urine 3. Struvite Stone -Mineral Magnesium & Ammonia 4. Uric Acid Stone -Excessive Acid in Urine

3 Most Susceptible To Stones
White Males Ages in the Southeast United States Family History If you have already had a stone Excessive doses of Calcium and Vitamin D And other medical conditions with the kidney

4 Treatments To Stones Lithotripsy Cystoscopy
Wave sounds sent to the stone that ends up breaking it apart Cystoscopy Tube which goes up the urthra Pull or laser beam the stone out May pass on there own with no treatment

5 Preventives Drink Plenty of Water Every Day Eat Healthy
To keep the kidney flushed out Eat Healthy Diet and cut back: Peanuts, tea, instant coffee, rhubarb, beets, beans, beets, berries, chocolate, Concord grapes, dark leafy greens, oranges, tofu, sweet potatoes, and draft beer

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