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Welcome Ms. DeBord’s 2 nd Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Ms. DeBord’s 2 nd Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Ms. DeBord’s 2 nd Grade

2 Our Schedule 8:20Language Arts/Centers (Science & social studies are integrated) 10:15Recess 10:35Language Arts/Writing 11:35Lunch 12:35Math 1:45Recess 2:00Visual and Performing Arts Rotations * tentative schedule

3 Attendance Regular attendance is essential. Everyday new concepts are taught and previously introduced concepts are reinforced. Make it your goal to have your child in school on time each day. In case of illness, please call the school to report the absence.

4 Classroom Code of Conduct “Character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” I will be trustworthy. I will be respectful. I will be responsible. I will be fair. I will be caring. I will be a good citizen.

5 Classroom Behavior Plan Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be in this order: 1st: Verbal Reminder 2nd: Warning! Move your clip. 3rd: Loss of Recess 4th: Parents contacted via email or note home Severe Clause: Go to the office

6 Homework Plan Homework in second grade should last no longer than 30 minutes. Please check the weekly homework calendar for a list of assignments. The skills reinforced will include the following: Reading (including fluency and comprehension) Math skill practice and fact practice Spelling Sight word practice

7 Web Sites for Extra Practice Houghton-Mifflin Mathematics Spelling City Houghton-Mifflin Language Arts

8 Sharing Backpack Your child will pick one item to hide in the backpack. Please help him/her come up with 3 clues so the other students can guess what’s in the bag. Encourage your child to choose something to share that we can learn from. For instance, if we’re studying nature, bring a pinecone! More information about sharing is included in the folder inside the backpack.

9 Art Rotations Arts integration in all subject matters Theater, Music and Dance (movement) 30 minutes, 3 times a week School wide showcases will take place in Fall and Spring. They will showcase what we have been doing in art rotations.

10 Library Books Each child will have the opportunity to check out a library book. They can leave the book in their desk or take it home. If a book becomes lost or damaged, you will have to replace the book or pay its cost to replace. Library day is Friday!

11 Star Student Each child will have the opportunity to be our Star Student of the week. Please see notice for more details.

12 Birthdays We will celebrate birthdays once a month. Parents may send in birthday treats on this day. (Only store bought food) I will send home a flyer at the beginning of the month with the date of the celebration.

13 Volunteers Please complete form and return ASAP Please mark day and time and preferences or special talents I will contact you via e-mail to set up a set day and time You must complete paperwork at office and get badge

14 HEART H armony E mpathy A chievement R eflection T ransformation

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