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3/20/2015 Starter: Quiz 202 204 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "3/20/2015 Starter: Quiz 202 204 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/20/2015 Starter: Quiz 202 204 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Practice: Asexual or sexual reproduction Activity Exit: Explain the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. 3/20/2015 Application: Glue notes here Connection: Connection: Ws

2 March 20, 2015 AGENDA TEKS 7.14B compare the results of uniform or diverse offspring from sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction 1. Quiz 2. Activity 3. Ws 4. Exit

3 DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 3/18 Probability lab 199-200 3/19 Monster Genetics 201-202

4 Reproduction: Asexual vs. Sexual TEKS 7.14B compare the results of uniform or divers offspring from sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction

5 Reproduction species Reproduction is important for the survival of all living species.

6 life end Without a way to reproduce, life would come to an end.

7 There are two types of reproduction, asexual & sexual.

8 Sexual reproduction

9 two Sexual reproduction involves fertilization so it typically requires the sex cells of two parents.

10 Advantages of Sexual Reproduction: The offspring will be different from its parents.

11 Advantages of Sexual Reproduction: Genetic variation allows the species to adapt to its surroundings.

12 Advantages of Sexual Reproduction: “Good” traits are passed on and strengthen the species which increases their survival rate.

13 Advantages of Sexual Reproduction: The fertilized egg can sometimes survive in adverse conditions.

14 two Requires two sets of sex cells (egg and sperm) usually produced by two parents that must get together to mate. Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction:

15 complexless reliable Often slower, more complex & less reliable than asexual reproduction. Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction:

16 Most animals reproduce sexually. (fly, human, snake, frog) Examples of Sexual Reproduction:

17 All flowering plants and those that make seeds reproduce sexually. (daffodil, grass, rose, oak tree). Examples of Sexual Reproduction:

18 Fertilization may be internal (mammals, birds, reptiles) or external (frogs, fish). Examples of Sexual Reproduction:

19 Asexual Reproduction

20 one exact Asexual reproduction involves one parent & results in an exact duplicate of an organism.

21 easier quickly Usually faster and easier, so a new plant or animal can colonize an area more quickly. Advantages of Asexual Reproduction:

22 mate energy A mate does not have to be found so no travel is involved which saves energy. Advantages of Asexual Reproduction:

23 Less complex and more reliable. Advantages of Asexual Reproduction:

24 offspring quickly Can produce a large number of offspring very quickly. Advantages of Asexual Reproduction:

25 identical The new organisms are genetically identical to their parent and each other. Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction:

26 Adaptation does not occur. Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction:

27 variation extinct Organisms with no variation that cannot adapt may become extinct. Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction:

28 Examples of Asexual Reproduction: Plants and fungi that make spores (mosses, ferns, mold, mushrooms)

29 Spores

30 Single cells, which reproduce by binary fission or splitting in two (amoeba, bacteria). Examples of Asexual Reproduction:

31 Binary fission

32 Budding: Spider plants and hydras form new organisms when part of the parent breaks off to form a daughter cell that grows into a new individual that is identical to the parent.

33 Budding

34 Runners: Grass and strawberries can form horizontal stems that grow on top of or just below the ground which can produce new plants horizontally at nodes or tips along the stem.

35 Runners

36 Fragmentation: Some plants, planarian and other worms can be split into many fragments that each grow into new identical individuals.

37 Fragmentation

38 Regeneration: Type of fragmentation in which starfish, lizards & sponges can grow back body parts that are damaged or lost.


40 3/20/2015 Starter: Quiz 202 204 Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Practice: Asexual or sexual reproduction Activity Exit: Explain the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. 3/20/2015 Application: Glue notes here Connection: Connection: Ws

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