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3/26 Focus (per 3): 3/26 Focus (per 3): – The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation are considered to be turning points in history because they led.

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Presentation on theme: "3/26 Focus (per 3): 3/26 Focus (per 3): – The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation are considered to be turning points in history because they led."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/26 Focus (per 3): 3/26 Focus (per 3): – The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation are considered to be turning points in history because they led to social, political, and economic changes in Europe Do Now: Do Now: – Identify one conflict that developed in Europe as a result of the Protestant Reformation

2 3/27 Focus: 3/27 Focus: – Protestant reformers challenged the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and founded new Christian Churches. Do Now: Do Now: – Other than military conflict, what was one other impact of the Protestant Reformation on Europe?

3 Causes  Humanism led people to question church authority  Some clergy were corrupt and interested in worldly gain  Martin Luther posted 95 Theses protesting indulgences  The Printing press helped spread Reformation ideas Causes  Humanism led people to question church authority  Some clergy were corrupt and interested in worldly gain  Martin Luther posted 95 Theses protesting indulgences  The Printing press helped spread Reformation ideas Effects  Many new Protestant churches develop  Catholic Church began reforms  Religious intolerance and anti-Semitism increase  Religious conflicts spread across Europe Effects  Many new Protestant churches develop  Catholic Church began reforms  Religious intolerance and anti-Semitism increase  Religious conflicts spread across Europe

4 3/27 Focus: 3/27 Focus: – During the Scientific Revolution, new ways of thinking led to remarkable discoveries which changed the way Europeans viewed the world. Do Now: Do Now: – List the steps in the scientific method.

5 4/13 Focus: 4/13 Focus: – In the 1500’s and 1600’s, the Scientific Revolution changed the way Europeans looked a the world as people began to make conclusions based on observation and experimentation. Do Now: Do Now: – What is reasoning?


7 Period in the 1500’s and 1600’s in which scientific thinkers challenged traditional ideas Period in the 1500’s and 1600’s in which scientific thinkers challenged traditional ideas – Relied on observation and experimentation

8 Geocentric Model of the Universe Geocentric Model of the Universe – Greco Roman theories and Church taught that the Earth was at the center of the universe

9 The Renaissance and Reformation led many scientists to challenge theories and question the Church

10 Polish Scientist that developed the Heliocentric Model in the mid 1500’s – Sun centered model – Use mathematical formulas to suggest that planets revolved around the Sun Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres – Church rejected this theory “Unbiblical, Un-Christian, Illogical”


12 Used math to show that planets revolve around the sun in a elliptical orbit – Based on the work of astronomer Tycho Brahe – Mathematically showed Copernicus’s ideas were correct

13 Italian astronomer who provided evidence to support the heliocentric model Constructed the telescope to observe the skies

14 Galileo's’ discoveries challenged Church teachings Church placed him on trial for heresy – Galileo forced to publically recant his ideas under threat of death – Placed his writings on the list of forbidden books

15 With sincere heart and unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies [of Copernicus] and also every other error... contrary to the Holy Church, and I swear that in the future I will never again say or assert... anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me.

16 English scholar influenced by Copernicus and Galileo Used math to prove the Law of Gravitation – Force which kept planets in their orbits around the sun – Newton’s Three Laws of Gravity

17 Method developed during the 1600’s that relied on experimentation and observation in scientific inquiry

18 Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes played an important role in developing the Scientific Method

19 What is the Heliocentric Model? What was the Church’s reaction to Galileo’s theories?

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