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NATIONAL RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD.  1.The Development of National Religions, Causes of Their Origin.  2.Early and Late National Religions.  3.Judaism.

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2  1.The Development of National Religions, Causes of Their Origin.  2.Early and Late National Religions.  3.Judaism – National Religion of the Jews.

3  The unification of families into tribes and tribes into nationalities led to the formation of nations. The necessity to interpret man’s vital activity appeared due to radical social changes in the life of society. It was necessary to explain man’s status in the society.  What are the main signs of spiritual life in the slave- owning system?  1. Gods are creators and lords of earth and heaven.  2. The organization of priesthood is formed.  3. Ethnic (national) religions as the self-consciousness of privileged part of the society are formed within the state formations.  They are divided into two stages: early ethnic (national) religions and the second – late national religions.

4  Ancient Egyptian, ancient Indian, ancient Jewish, ancient Greek, ancient Roman are early national religions. Religions were perished together with ancient states. The main features of early national religions are:  1. The belief embraces the upper and middle strata of the society within a state. Official cult is not spread to slaves, the poor peasants, enslaved tribes or other peoples.  2. Severe Polytheism. Small group of Senior Gods is excelled among multitude of gods. The Supreme God is excelled among Senior Gods. He is respected as the tsar of gods and people. The other gods were considered as His assistants.  3. The doctrine about “the other life” is arisen. The idea about pious and sinful life is formed. It gave the impetus to the development of moral and ethic standards and man’s humanism.  4. Sacrifices were obligatory during cult actions. They formed religious senses and feelings.

5  Late national religions are remained till our days: Syntoism in Japan, Confucianism and Daocism in China, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism in India and Judaism – religion of the Jews.  Their common features are the following:  the belief influences on all strata of the society within one nation.  The unity of polytheism and monotheism, except Judaism and Sikhism as monotheistic national religions.  the simplified process of sacrifices. Animal sacrifices are limited, man sacrifices are absent.  the doctrine about “the other life” (future life) became dominated in moral and ethic standards of human relations.

6  Syntoism – the religion of inhabitants in Japan. “Synto” means “the way of gods”. Primitive forms of beliefs: animism, totemism, cult of ancestors were sources of syntoism. The fundamentals of syntoism are expounded in holy book “Kodzyki”. It appeared in the VIII century. The holy book includes mythes about the world creation, the origin of nation and state. The followers of Syntoism built small temples – dzindzya. Solemn worships (divine services) with sacrifices are held in the temple once or twice a year. Cult is performed by sacrificers of different ranks. Their holding appointment (post) is hereditary. The Goddess of Sun Amaterasu is greatly respected. Her image is represented in temples and home altars. Cult of the emperor is typical for Japan. Syntoism deeply nationalistic was the state religion till the middle of the XX century. It was the base of patriotism and moral of Japanese Samurai.

7  Confucianism – philosophic and ethic doctrine of Confucy was developed in the VI century before Christ (B.C.). He described his views in the book “Conversations and Judgements”.  Confucy tried to defend the society from social cataclysms. He elaborated special ideal. The man of high moral standards must possess two qualitative features: the sense of humanism and responsibility. Humanism is modesty, justice, restraint, moderation, love to people. Each man must know his status in the society and life. His social status is settled by Heaven. That’s why the society must consist of two categories – the upper social strata and lower ones. The upper strata are those who think and manage. The lower strata are those who work and obey.  The important principle of social order is severe obedience to old people.  Confucianism sanctifies cult of emperors – “sons of heaven” and nature cult. In present – day China Confucianism became more than religion. This is the policy, administrative system, supreme regulator of social processes. This is the basis of Chinese style of living, nucleus of Chinese civilization, that exists more than two thousand years.

8  Daocism was developed in China in the II century B.C. The founder of Daocism – Lao- tszy. The teaching about Great Dao – the law of being is in the centre of Daocism. Dao (law) popularizes simplicity and naturality. The man must not interfere in natural processes.  The basis of Daocism are the following commandments: the fulfilment of filial obligation, faithfulness, love, patience, self- sacrifice, fight with evil or bad deeds, breeding of animals, planting of trees, building of roads, wells, education of unwise people, reading holy books.  Daocism cult has much in common with Confucianism. “Immortal genii” composed the specific category of Daocism deities

9  Hinduism – polytheistic religion. The primary and important Gods are: Brahma – world creator, Vishnu – god-curator and Shiva – god of destruction. There are a lot of gods of local importance and Buddhism gods. Vishnu and Shiva are the most honouring. Each god has the wife. The wife of Shiva – Kali is the most popular.  The main dogmata in Hinduism are: doctrine about dharma – social duties and man’s status in the society; carma – man’s responsibility before gods for his deeds; ahinez – absolute non- resistance to violence; sansara – regeneration of soul after death. Temples, chapels, altars are built honouring individual gods. There are many sacred places: rivers and objects in India. The river Ganges is the most honouring river. Gods images in sculpture are represented in temples. Such animals as: a cow, a monkey, a snake are worshiped in India. The temples are also built in their honour. The most sacred place for Hindu is the temple in Banaras. It consists of 1500 buildings and stands on the river Ganges. Hinduism sanctified caste division of the society in the past. Though caste discrimination is forbidden in modern India it occurs in separate groups of the society.

10  Jainism was developed in the VI century B.C. It was considered that this belief was delivered by 24 prophets. The first of them was Rishambaha and the last are Jina. The development (spreading) of Jainism was due to religious reaction on caste system. Jainism teaches that the whole material world is evil. The people must make themselves free from it. Stupid life is the greatest evil. Saving of the soul is the sense of life. It is necessary to believe in prophets, remember their teachings, to perfect oneself and to follow the rules of behaviour: don’t kill, don’t deceive and don’t steal. Don’t kill anything that is alive, even an insect. Jainists advocate severe asceticism.  They are divided into two types: dihambars and shventambars. The most successive ascetics are dihambars. Shventambars do not follow severe asceticism. Jainists cult is rather solemn. Public worships are served in grandiose temples with luxirious interior.

11  Sikhism was formed at the end of XV and the beginning of XVI centuries as the independent trend. It was founded by Nanaka. He elaborated principles of Sikhism and did much for its spreading.  The aim of Nanaka’s teaching is to unite the Muslims and Hindoos. Nanaka borrowed the idea about God in Islam. Sikhism teaches that all people are equal before God, despite caste status of a man in the society. Nanaka protested against castes, brahman and asceticism. Sikhi is rather active ethnic community in India now.

12  Judaism – is one of the ancient national religions in the world. Besides the Jews it is professed by the Karaites and Tatars. The main doctrines of Judaism are: belief in one God Yahwe, the advent of Messiah, soul immortality, existence of the other life (the next world).  The sources of Judaism belief are Tora and Talmud. Tora consists of five books of the Old Testament. It has a lot of directions concerning sacrifices, rituals, food prohibition, worships. Talmud is the collection of Judaic dogmatic directions concerning law, religion, philosophy, moral and life conditions. The structural parts of Talmud are Mishna and Hemera. Talmud is the commentary to the Old Testament and Hemera is the explanation of Mishna treatises.  The following landmarks in rabbinic history of Judaism are important.

13  Primitive forms of religions of ancient Jews existed in the biblic period. After the reform of 621 Judaism dogmatics was substantiated. After Rome’s occupation of Palestine the period of the Jews disperse began. Jewish communities were formed. Synagogues were the centres of Judaism cult. They were headed by the rabbi.  The period of Judaism modernization began in the XIX century. Three varieties of Judaism were formed: reformative, conservative, reconstructivistic.

14  Reformative Judaism. German financier I.Jacobson created a new form of synagogue. The German language besides Jewish was used during divine service at that synagogue. The reform on Protestant model was carried out. Reformists do not recognize many principles and customs of Talmud.

15  Conservative Judaism appeared in the twenties of the XX century. In the USA Judaist – Conservatives stated Mosaic laws in a new manner, trying to adjust them to modern science and philosophy.

16  Reconstructivistic Judaism was formed in the twenties of the XX century too in the USA. It tries to preserve Jewish religion with its medieval orders, to renew rabbinism features and to connect with national originality. Reconstructivistic Judaism predominates among the inhabitants of Israel.

17  A new trend of Judaism and Christianity has been intensified for recent decades. This trend tries to unite Judaism and Christianity. The source of this belief is the Old and the New Testament of the Bible. Judao-Christianity is widely spread not only in the USA but in other countries of the world.

18  Hacidism (or piety) is widely spread among Judaism. It was formed among the Jews in Poland and Ukraine in the XVIII century. Its founder was Israel Besht (1689- 1760). According to his teaching besides God nothing more exists in the world. The man takes a special place in it. His aim is to serve God, cognize divine sacraments and to unite with God. This aim may be achieved by passionate prayer but not by recognition of Tora and Talmud as rabbies demand. Hacidism is spread in Ukraine too. There are more than 80 religious communities in Ukraine.  Ancient and original religion of the Jews, its cultural potential greatly influenced on peoples’ succeeding history. There were different approaches to the modernization of Judaism, but its main features that were formed by centuries – old history became characteristic signs of the Jews national religion: successive monotheism, faith in Messiah, God-elect of the Jews.

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