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The Propaganda Model Propaganda and State Control in Brave New World and in Society Today.

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Presentation on theme: "The Propaganda Model Propaganda and State Control in Brave New World and in Society Today."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Propaganda Model Propaganda and State Control in Brave New World and in Society Today

2 Propaganda

3 Noam Chomsky “According to this ‘Propaganda Model’, the media serve their societal purpose by things like the way they select topics, distribute their concerns, frame issues, filter information, focus their analyses, through emphasis, tone, and a whole rant of other techniques like that”. – Noam Chomsky

4 The Propaganda Model “What the ‘Propaganda Model’ in fact predicts is that the entire range of elite perspectives will be reflected in the media – it’s just there will be essentially nothing that goes beyond it”. - Chomsky

5 Sleep - Teaching

6 Lenina She repeats the Sleep Teaching throughout the book. What does this tell us about her and what does it tell us about sleep teaching? “I do love flying,’ they whispered. ‘I do love flying, I do love having new clothes, I do love…’ pg 41 “What a hideous colour khaki is,” pg 53 “Remember, one cubric centimetre cures ten gloomy sentiments.” pg 77 “Bu cleanliness is next to fordliness” pg 94 “A gra-amme is be-tter…” pg 170

7 Soma Bottle of mine, it’s you I’ve always wanted! Bottle of mine, why was I ever descanted? Skies are blue inside of you, The weather’s always fine; For There ain’t no bottle in all the world Like that dear little Bottle of Mine. Page 66

8 The Controller Mustapha Mond - The Resident World Controller of Western Europe, one of only ten World Controllers. He was once an ambitious, young scientist performing forbidden research. When his work was discovered, he was given the choice of going into exile or training to become a World Controller. He chose to give up science, and now he censors scientific discoveries and exiles people for unorthodox beliefs. He also keeps a collection of forbidden literature in his safe, including Shakespeare and religious writings. The name Mond means “world,” and Mond is indeed the most powerful character in the world of this novel.

9 The Controller 2 Manners in which The Controller Manipulates through propaganda the population: Games Feelies Sleep – Teaching Conditioning (as in with the Deltas to hate books).

10 The Controller and Chomsky Page 29 What does The Controller Represent according to Chomsky’s definition earlier?

11 Helmholtz Watson Works at the Bureau of Propaganda and lectures in the College, which we are told disseminates propaganda in the mediums of Television, Music, Synthetic Picture. In the same building as the Bureau of Propaganda and College of Emotional Engineering, are the 3 major news publications: The Hourly Radio, Gamma Gazette, and The Delta Mirror.

12 Helmholtz Propaganda

13 Nike How is that a good example of what Chomsky Calls Propaganda? What does Nike do well?

14 Video Games What does this advertisement do well? Does it make you want to buy the game?

15 Pages 70 - 73 How is Bernard’s Solidarity Service an example of government propaganda?

16 Propaganda Today Let’s take a look at some propaganda today. Ask yourself, did you look at this as propaganda before?

17 Chrysler Commercial

18 On Your Own Time Visit the following website to see what is going on in Detroit in the United States. bankruptcy/ bankruptcy/

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