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Programming language. Definition Programming language is a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a computer. Programming languages can.

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1 Programming language

2 Definition Programming language is a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine and to express algorithms precisely.

3 Definition A programming language can be defined due to some characteristics: ● Function ● Target ● Abstractions ● Expressive power

4 Purpose Nowadays we have a lot of various programming languages and new ones every year. Many of them was created from scratch but most are based on other. Main difference between natural languages is big accuracy and uniqueness. Machine do instructions precisely step by step, can not guess what programmer had in mind.

5 Purpose The need for a wide variety of languages results from a large number of situations in which they are used - each has certain specific requirements: ● Size of project ● Experience of developer ● Requirments of speed and scalability ● Some languages may be too advanced for task ● Possible updates or not in the future ● Comfort for programmer

6 Purpose For these reasons we can not create one good language for all tasks and programmers. Currently is a tendency for create languages at a higher level of abstraction. This reduces development time and reduces the number of opportunities to make a mistake, but in some situations it reflects negatively on performance.

7 Elements Form of the program expressed in a programming language is specified as source code. Language consist several elements: ● Syntax ● Semantics ● Data types ● Standard libraries

8 Code execution Before execution source code have to be processed. Compilation – source code is translated into machine language (binary code) Interpretation – source code is continuously translated and executed by an additional program called an interpreter. Compilated code is more efficient than interpretated but is less portable. For better performance interpretated languages use indirect form called bytecode.

9 Classification Programming languages divide due to: ● Programming paradigm ● Generation ● Method of control types ● Method of execution ● Level (low, high, very high) ● Destiny

10 Work with code Developers use many tools during their work. IDE's programs makes that work is a pleasure. They bring many important tools in one complete package. Editor, compiler, debugger, and a set of libraries, all in one place.

11 Classification Programming languages divide due to: ● Programming paradigm ● Generation ● Method of control types ● Method of execution ● Level (low, high, very high) ● Destiny

12 Popular languages The list of languages for general use: ● C++ ● Java ● C# ● Python ● Pascal

13 C++ Very fast, compiled high-level language for general use. Additionaly this language is multi- paradigm and closer to hardware than other high-level languages. Advantages: modern, high performance, great possibilities, universal, the basis for other Disadvantages: difficult for beginners, different CPU architecture needs other compilator,

14 Java Object oriented language, compiled to bytecode which is executed by the virtual machine. Advantages: architecture independent, easy for begginers, modern Disadvantages: slower execution, weak for realtime use, limits programmer in some situations,

15 C# Object oriented language, compiled to CIL which is executed in runtime environment like.NET Framework or Mono. Advantages: architecture independent, easy for begginers, modern, universal, Disadvantages: slower execution, official support only for Microsoft products,

16 Python High-level language for general use. There are many interpreters for different operating systems. Advantages: architecture independent, clear code, modern, huge standard libary, Disadvantages: slower execution, syntax is very important,

17 Pascal Universal, high-level language for general use. This is compiled language. Advantages: easy for begginers, clear code, rigorous control of data types, Disadvantages: lost its importance, few modern libraries,

18 The end. Thank you for watching. Author: Jakub Mendel

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