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Work with your table to answer the following trivia questions about Turkey’s...

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3 Work with your table to answer the following trivia questions about Turkey’s...

4 1 What are Turkey steaks? A. low-fat microwaveable steak B. slices of raw turkey breast meat C.deep-fried turkey toes

5 2 What are male Turkeys called? A. Toms B. Gobblers C. Reds

6 3 What is the mating call of a male Turkey? A. the crow B. the gobble C. the sqaw

7 4 What is the fleshy growth from the base of the beak that is very long on male turkeys? A. Snood B. Gorp C. Hackle

8 5 Turkey eggs are twice as large as chicken eggs, but what color are they? A. White with brown speckles B. Brown C. tan with brown speckles

9 6 What famous historical figure received turkeys as an article of tribute? A. Cortez B. Montezuma C. Columbus

10 7 What is the scientific name for the American Wild Turkey? A. Meleagris gallopavo B. Homo sapien C. Ornitholestes

11 8 The typical turkey farm raises how many birds annually? A. 50,000 B. 1,000,000 C. 3,000,000

12 9 What is a baby turkey called? A. Chick B. Gobbler C. Poult

13 10 What is the bright red appendage at the neck of a turkey? A. Wattle B. Collar C. Guzzle


15 1 What are Turkey steaks? B. slices of raw turkey breast meat

16 2 What are male Turkeys called? A. Toms

17 3 What is the mating call of a male Turkey? B. the gobble

18 4 What is the fleshy growth from the base of the beak that is very long on male turkeys? A. Snood

19 5 Turkey eggs are twice as large as chicken eggs, but what color are they? C. tan with brown speckles

20 6 What famous historical figure received turkeys as an article of tribute? B. Montezuma

21 7 What is the scientific name for the American Wild Turkey? A. Meleagris gallopavo

22 8 The typical turkey farm raises how many birds annually? A. 50,000

23 9 What is a baby turkey called? C. Poult

24 10 What is the bright red appendage at the neck of a turkey? A. Wattle

25 Who proclaimed Thanksgiving a national Holiday? A. Abraham Lincoln B. John Adams C. George Washington

26 Who proclaimed Thanksgiving a national Holiday? A. Abraham Lincoln

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