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Second Semester Animal PowerPoint Project Mrs. Jarnagan Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Semester Animal PowerPoint Project Mrs. Jarnagan Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Semester Animal PowerPoint Project Mrs. Jarnagan Biology

2 What am I going to do? O You are going to choose any animal species to research about. O You can choose any animal, you just need to: O Get approval from me first O Be the only one in the class researching that species You can find many different species at the animal diversity site: O You will research and then present your information to the class.

3 Requirements: 15 slides (at LEAST): O 1 st slide- Title slide (with your name and period) O Middle slides- At least one slide per question O Do not overfill with information O Bullet style; NOT IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! O You need to add pictures; any pictures you use need to have the webpage address where you found them O Last slide- Sources slide- Websites or any other source you found your information (NO.COM WEBSITES!!!! ONLY.EDU or.NET!!! ANY SOURCE from WWW.SWEETSEARCH.COM will work!)

4 Questions you need to address: Background: 1. What is your species? Give a basic description of your species and give the classification levels (Domain ________, Kingdom ________, all the way down to the species). 2. What are the characteristics of that species? (In other words, if you choose a species of salamander, what separates them, what makes them different from other salamanders?!) What is their diet? 3. What is their current status according to the EPA? (endangered, extinct, etc) 4. How does your species impact humans? How do humans impact your species? Adaptations: 1. Do they lay eggs or give live birth to their young? What are different adaptations they have for caring for their young? 2. What are their defense mechanisms? (How do they protect themselves so they are able to survive?) 3. What are the adaptations they have developed over time to survive?

5 Questions you need to address: Ecology: 1. What are the preferred habitat of your animal? Provide a map of where they are located on earth. Has this changed over time? 2. What is their niche in their habitat? 3. Provide a sample food chain with your species integrated. Comparing: 1. Compare and contrast another species within the same Family to your animal. How are they similar and how are they different? 2. Compare and contrast another species within the same Order to your animal. How are they similar and how are they different? 3. How many members of the same family of your animal are there total? What are some local examples (if any)?

6 Frogs O Frogs are green and slimy. O They eat nasty things like flies. BAD EXAMPLE

7 FrOgSSSSSS O Frogs are amazing. Frogs eat almost like everything! They are carnivores, I think, but ya they eat flies and stuff. Frogs live in my backyard. My favorite animal is a frog. Frogs can be gooey, which I think is AWESOME!!!! One time my dog ate a frog, and then threw it back up. Frogs are found all over the world. Frogs are always green. Frogs have long tongues. Eww. So this is what I know about frogs. BAD EXAMPLE

8 Background O Characteristics O Soft, slimy skin O Antifungal properties on skin O Diet O Algae (tadpole stage) O Flies and other small insects O Some large frogs eat small mammals, like mice GOOD EXAMPLE (STARTING):

9 Grading Rubric Part 1 Information, PowerPoint organization Part 2 Citations, Creativity Part 3 Presentation Total 100 ptsInformation Complete Accurate Answers questions Informative PowerPoint Organized Limited text Pictures Animated Citations Pictures cited Sources slide at the end Creativity Neat Interesting Colorful Professional Organized Rehearsed Not reading Eye contact Exact 20 Almost 16 Not Quite 12 Way Off 88888

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