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Idiom of the Day to sit tight: to wait patiently and take no action until you hear otherwise.

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Presentation on theme: "Idiom of the Day to sit tight: to wait patiently and take no action until you hear otherwise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idiom of the Day to sit tight: to wait patiently and take no action until you hear otherwise.

2 To sit tight

3 Lesson Plan Open Word file.

4 Ice Breaker Venn Diagrams


6 Venn Diagram Icebreaker The teacher pairs the students up and gives each pair a Venn diagram. Each student should put his or her name at the top of one circle of the diagram. Then the students chat with each other for a few minutes to get to know each other, so they can fill out the Venn diagram. In their own part of the circle, the students should write things that are unique to them. Where the two circles intersect, they need to write things that they have in common (e.g., age, qualities, hobbies, languages spoken).

7 Students’ Chapter Presentation

8 Homework Review LLPs In groups of three or four, explain your LLP to the others in your group. Make suggestions for improvements in every LLP. Choose the group’s best LLP. Choose one person to present that LLP to the class. Class evaluates that LLP. Individual work to revise your LLP if needed.

9 Homework Review Discussion question 2 from Snow page 34 Consider a typical English course in your city and make a list of ways you could give students some choice in their English study (e.g. goals, homework, activities). Be as specific as possible. Work in groups of three or four to develop one list of at least four ways to include student choices.

10 Homework Review Discuss the English Teaching Forum article in relation to the strategies presented. 1.Have you taught your students to use learning strategies? 2.What technique from this article would work best in your classroom? If you used it, how would you follow up or extend it?

11 Students’ Classroom Activity Presentation

12 Resource/Opportunity Class Dojo

13 Main Presentation Continue Chapter 2 PPT slides beginning with slide 28.

14 Closing Homework Everyone: Read: These charts of reading strategies and be prepared to discuss them in our next session: urriculum/ENG_LA_K- 12/LA__Reading_Strategies_by_Level.pdf Access the Class Dojo Website and Think About how you could use it to motivate your students.

15 Closing Homework Work On your Language Learning Project (LLP). Write in your journal: In your next few journal entries include a log entry in which you briefly record what you did during each LLP study session and (2) a reflections entry in which you comment on what does and does not seem to be working in your LLP.

16 Closing Homework Chapter Presenters: You may use my PowerPoint slides. Read the material on our website about Chapter Presentations. Contact me for help. Email me your materials by midnight on Saturday.

17 Closing Homework Classroom Activity Presenters: Contact me for help. Use The Monster Book of Language Teaching Activities for inspiration if you like. You can find this on our website: Read the material on our website about Classroom Activity Presentations. Email me your materials by midnight on Saturday.

18 Closing Any Remaining Questions???

19 Closing Summary of the Session

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